Extending gsml ShearDisplacementStructure - opengeospatial/Geotech GitHub Wiki
What is a ShearDisplacementStructure according to GeoSciML?
From GeoSciML v4.1:
A shear displacement structure includes all brittle to ductile style structures along which displacement has occurred, from a simple, single ‘planar’ brittle or ductile surface to a fault system comprised of tens of strands of both brittle and ductile nature. This structure may have some significant thickness (a deformation zone) and have an associated body of deformed rock that may be considered a deformation unit (which geologicUnitType is ‘DeformationUnit’) which can be associated to the ShearDisplacementStructure using GeologicFeatureRelation from the GeoSciML Extension package (
For which geotech concept do we want to use gsml:ShearDisplacementStructure?
gsml:ShearDisplacementStructure is identified to realize the geotech concept called Fault.
Proposed adjustments for geotech
We recommend the addition of these properties: