zrp_fec_uncorrectable_frames_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki
TRANSCEIVER-10 (400ZR_PLUS): Telemetry: 400ZR_PLUS Optics FEC(Forward Error Correction) Uncorrectable Frames Streaming.
Validate 400ZR_PLUS optics module reports uncorrectable FEC frames count.
This observable represents the number of uncorrectable FEC frames, measured as RS(544,514) equivalent frames, in a short interval. This is a post-FEC decoder error metric.
- Connect two ZR_PLUS interfaces using a duplex LC fiber jumper such that TX output power of one is the RX input power of the other module.
- To establish a point to point ZR_PLUS link ensure the following:
- Both transceivers state is enabled
- Both transceivers are set to a valid target TX output power example -3 dBm
- Both transceivers are tuned to a valid centre frequency example 193.1 THz
- With the ZR_PLUS link established as explained above, verify that the
following ZR_PLUS transceiver telemetry path exist and is streamed for both
the ZR_PLUS optics.
- /terminal-device/logical-channels/channel/otn/state/fec-uncorrectable-blocks
- Verify that the reported data should be of type yang:counter64.
- When the modules or the devices are still in a boot stage, they must not stream any invalid string values like "nil" or "-inf".
- Toggle the interface state using /interfaces/interface/config/enabled and verify relevant FEC uncorrectable frame count is streamed. If there are no errors a value of 0 should be streamed for no FEC uncorrectable frames.
# Config Parameter coverage
platform_type: ["OPTICAL_CHANNEL"]
# Telemetry Parameter coverage