tunnel_acl_based_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

TUN-1.9: GRE inner packet DSCP


Verify the DSCP value of original packet header after GRE acl based tunnel encapsulation.


  • Configure DUT with ingress and egress routed interfaces.
  • Configure acl based tunnel configuration with action as encapsulation.
  • Attach the filter on ingress interface.
  • Configure the static route for the tunnel end point destination.
  • Capture packet on ATE on the recieving end(port-2).
  • verify dscp value of original packet after encapsulation.
  • verify that no traffic drops in all flows.

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths intended to be covered by this test. OC paths used for test setup are not listed here.


Validation coverage

  • No packet drop should be oberserved.
  • Capture the packet on recieving end and verify the orginal DSCP value. Orginal value should not be altered.
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