route_removal_via_flush_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

TE-6.1: Route Removal via Flush


Validate that Flush RPC in gRIBI removes routes in the default VRF as expected.


  • Connect ATE port-1 to DUT port-1, and ATE port-2 to DUT port-2.
  • Connect gRIBI client (gRIBI-A) to DUT, with persistence set to PRESERVE and SINGLE_PRIMARY redundancy specified and make it become leader. Connect a second client (gRIBI-B) using the same parameters, but with election_id=leader_election_id-1.
  • Inject an entry into the default network instance pointing to ATE port-2.
    • Ensure that traffic can be forwarded between ATE port-1 and ATE port-2 for destinations in
    • Issue Flush RPC from gRIBI-A, and ensure that packets can no longer be forwarded for destinations in Ensure that AFT telemetry reflects the entry being removed.
    • Re-inject entry for from gRIBI-A.
    • Issue Flush RPC from gRIBI-B. Ensure that entries are not removed via packet forwarding and AFT telemetry; expect a NOT_PRIMARY RPC response error.
    • Make gRIBI-B become leader.
    • Issue Flush from gRIBI-B, ensure that entries are removed via packet forwarding and telemetry.

Config Parameter coverage


Telemetry Parameter coverage


Protocol/RPC Parameter coverage

  • gRIBI
    • Flush

Minimum DUT platform requirement


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️