p4rt_election - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

P4RT-2.1: P4RT Election


Validate the P4RT server handles primary election and failover.


  • Enable P4RT on a single FAP by configuring an ID on the device and one or more interfaces.
  • Verify that the right clients become primary. Verify that primary can read & write and that non-primary can only read through the following scenarios:
    • Become Primary
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify client with the higher election ID (primary) receives a successful MasterArbitrationUpdate.
      3. Verify primary client can read as well as write.
    • Fail to become Primary
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify client with the lower election ID (secondary) receives a successful MasterArbitrationUpdate.
      3. Verify secondary client can read but not write.
    • Replace Primary
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify client with the lower election ID (secondary) receives a successful MasterArbitrationUpdate.
      3. Verify secondary client can read but not write.
      4. TODO: Trigger MasterArbitrationUpdate using the secondary client with an election ID higher than that of primary client.
      5. TODO: Verify that the old secondary client now becomes primary and able to read and write.
      6. TODO: Verify that status field of new primary client's MasterArbitrationUpdate response is set to google.rpc.OK.
      7. TODO: Verify that election_id field of new primary client's MasterArbitrationUpdate response is set to the highest election_id.
      8. TODO: Verify that old primary is now only able to read and not write.
      9. TODO: Verify that status field of old primary client's MasterArbitrationUpdate response is set to google.rpc.ALREADY_EXISTS.
      10. TODO: Verify that election_id field of old primary client's MasterArbitrationUpdate response is set to new primary client's election_id.
    • Replace Primary after Failure
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify primary client can read and write.
      3. Stop primary client by closing the stream.
      4. Trigger MasterArbitrationUpdate using the secondary client with an election ID equal to that of primary client.
      5. Verify that old secondary client now becomes primary and able to read and write.
    • TODO: Fail To become Primary after Primary Disconnect
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify primary client can read and write.
      3. Stop primary client by closing the Stream.
      4. Verify that the secondary client can only read and not write.
      5. Verify that status field of secondary client's MasterArbitrationUpdate response is set to google.rpc.NOT_FOUND.
    • Reconnect Primary
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify primary client can read and write.
      3. Stop primary client by closing the stream.
      4. Connect a new P4RT client with election ID higher that old primary election ID.
      5. verify that new primary client is able to read and write.
    • Double Primary
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with different election IDs.
      2. Verify primary client can read and write.
      3. TODO: Trigger MasterArbitrationUpdate using the secondary client with an election ID equal to that of primary client.
      4. TODO: Verify secondary client stream terminates with google.rpc.INVALID_ARGUMENT.
      5. Connect a new P4RT client with election ID equal to that of primary client.
      6. Verify new client's stream terminates with google.rpc.INVALID_ARGUMENT.
    • Unset Election ID
      1. Connect two P4RT clients with an unset election ID and no other active P4RT clients for the corresponding device_id. (unset and zero electionIDs are two different scenarios and a zero electionID is considered as being Set)
      2. Verify that the clients are able to read and not write using Get and Set ForwardingPipelineConfig requests.
    • TODO: Long Evolution
      1. Connect five P4RT clients to the same device_id with election_id's 1,2,3,4,5
      2. Verify primary client is able to read and write.
      3. Trigger MasterArbitrationUpdate from client with election_id=1 and make it primary using election_id=6.
      4. Verify that client with election_id=6 is able to read and write.
      5. Verify that client with election_id=5 is able to read and not write.
      6. Repeat steps c, d, e for the below client and election_id combinations:
        • MasterArbitrationUpdate from client with election_id=2 and make it primary using election_id=7 and verify correct read & writes for clients with election_id=6 & election_id=7.
        • MasterArbitrationUpdate from client with election_id=3 and make it primary using election_id=8 and verify correct read & writes for clients with election_id=7 & election_id=8.
        • MasterArbitrationUpdate from client with election_id=4 and make it primary using election_id=9 and verify correct read & writes for clients with election_id=8 & election_id=9.
        • MasterArbitrationUpdate from client with election_id=5 and make it primary using election_id=10 and verify correct read & writes for clients with election_id=9 & election_id=10.
  • TODO: Enable P4RT on an additional FAP and verify that the same set of scenarios work independently of the first FAP

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

    platform_type: ["INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT"]
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