large_set_consistency_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

gNMI-1.14: OpenConfig metadata consistency during large config push


This test verify if OpenConfig metadata leaf at root is updated according to pushed config and not reverted or otherway modified, Even if many rapid, concurrent non-write requests are served while setRequest is in process (and SetResponse is not send yet). In case metadata leaf at root value changes, test fails.




  • prepare 2 large OpenConfig configurations that only differs in root-level netadata/annotation - 1st_LARGE_CONFIGURATION and 2nd_LARGE_CONFIGURATION. Configuration should exercise following branches of Openconfig:
    • /interfaces/
    • /network-instances/
    • /qos/
    • /system/
    • /routing-policy/
    • /components/
    • /sampling/
    • /lldp/
    • /lacp/
    • /protobuf-metadata
  • Push 1st_LARGE_CONFIGURATION and wait for SetResponse that confirm push was sucesfull.
  • Send subscribe ONCE for configuration root-level metadata and verify that it is identical corresponding root-level metadata of 1st_LARGE_CONFIGURATION.
  • For REQUEST of type (GetRequest, SubscribeRequest, CapabilityRequest)
    • Repeat sending rapidly subsequent REQUEST requests for configuration root-level metadata (GetRequest, SubscribeRequest).
    • While above REQUESTS are send, push SetRequest replace with 2nd_LARGE_CONFIGURATION.
    • After SetResponse is recived confirming sucesfull push of 2nd_LARGE_CONFIGURATION:
      • stop sending REQUEST requests
      • wait 5 seconds
      • SubscribeRequest once for configuration root-level metadata and verify that it is identical corresponding root-level metadata of 2nd_LARGE_CONFIGURATION.

Configuration path coverage

  • /@/openconfig-metadata:protobuf-metadata

Note: WBB implementations need not support this annotation at paths deeper than the root (i.e., a configuration that contains openconfig-metadata:protobuf-metadata at any level other than under the root can be rejected). The WBB device implementation can map this to an internal path to store the configuration.

Telemetry path coverage

  • /@/openconfig-metadata:protobuf-metadata

Minimum DUT platform


OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️