graceful_restart_restarting - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

RT-2.17: IS-IS Graceful Restart Restarting


  • test verify isis garceful restarts support restarter mode.

Testbed type


Initial Setup:

  • Connect:

  • DUT port-1 to ATE port-1

  • DUT port-2 to ATE port-2

  • Configure IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on DUT and ATE ports as shown below

    • DUT port-1 IPv4 address dp1-v4 =

    • ATE port-1 IPv4 address ap1-v4 =

    • DUT port-2 IPv4 address dp2-v4 =

    • ATE port-2 IPv4 address ap2-v4 =

    • DUT port-1 IPv6 address dp1-v6 = 2001:DB8::1/126

    • ATE port-1 IPv6 address ap1-v6 = 2001:DB8::2/126

    • DUT port-2 IPv6 address dp2-v6 = 2001:DB8::5/126

    • ATE port-2 IPv6 address ap2-v6 = 2001:DB8::6/126

  • Create an "target IPv4" network i.e. ipv4-network = attached to ATE port-2 and inject it to ISIS.

  • Create an "target IPv6" network i.e. ipv6-network = 2024:db8:128:128::/64 attached to ATE port-2 and inject it to ISIS.

  • Configure ISIS

    • Configure separate ISIS emulated routers, one on each ATE ports-1, port-2

    • Enable IPv4 and IPv6 IS-IS L2 adjacency between ATE port-1 and DUT port-1, DUT port-2 and ATE port-2 in point-to-point mode.

          "network-instances": {
              "network-instance": [
                      "name": "DEFAULT",
                      "protocols": {
                          "protocol": [
                                  "identifier": "ISIS",
                                  "name": "DEFAULT",
                                  "config": {
                                      "name": "DEFAULT",
                                      "identifier": "ISIS"
                                  "isis": {
                                      "global": {
                                          "afi-safi": {
                                              "af": [
                                                      "afi-name": "IPV4",
                                                      "config": {
                                                          "afi-name": "IPV4",
                                                          "enabled": true,
                                                          "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                      "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                      "afi-name": "IPV6",
                                                      "config": {
                                                          "afi-name": "IPV6",
                                                          "enabled": true,
                                                          "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                      "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                          "config": {
                                              "level-capability": "LEVEL_2",
                                              "net": [
                                                  "<NET address of this WBB>"
                                      "interfaces": {
                                          "interface": [
                                                  "config": {
                                                      "passive": true,
                                                      "enabled": true,
                                                      "interface-id": "Loopback0"
                                                  "interface-id": "Loopback0",
                                                  "interface-ref": {
                                                      "config": {
                                                          "interface": "loopback0",
                                                          "subinterface": 0
                                                  "levels": {
                                                      "level": [
                                                              "config": {
                                                                  "level-number": 2,
                                                                  "enabled": true
                                                              "level-number": 2
                                                  "config": {
                                                      "circuit-type": "POINT_TO_POINT",
                                                      "enabled": true,
                                                      "interface-id": "<Interface_ID>"
                                                  "interface-id": "<Interface_ID>",
                                                  "interface-ref": {
                                                      "config": {
                                                          "interface": "<Interface name>",
                                                          "subinterface": 0
                                                  "levels": {
                                                      "level": [
                                                              "afi-safi": {
                                                                  "af": [
                                                                          "afi-name": "IPV4",
                                                                          "config": {
                                                                              "afi-name": "IPV4",
                                                                              "metric": 10,
                                                                              "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                                          "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                                          "afi-name": "IPV6",
                                                                          "config": {
                                                                              "afi-name": "IPV6",
                                                                              "metric": 10,
                                                                              "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                                          "safi-name": "UNICAST"
                                                              "config": {
                                                                  "level-number": 2,
                                                                  "enabled": true
                                                              "level-number": 2,
                                                              "timers": {
                                                                  "config": {
                                                                      "hello-interval": 10,
                                                                      "hello-multiplier": 6
                                      "levels": {
                                          "level": [
                                                  "config": {
                                                      "level-number": 2,
                                                      "metric-style": "WIDE_METRIC",
                                                      "enabled": true
                                                  "level-number": 2
    • Enable IPv4 and IPv6 IS-IS L2 adjacency between ATE port-1 and DUT port-1, DUT port-2 and ATE port-2 in point-to-point mode.\

      • Enable GR helper on ATE port-1 na ATE port-2 in compliacnce with RFC5306 (non-planned restart ONLY).
    • Set ISIS graceful restart helper mode on DUT

          "network-instances": {
              "network-instance": [
                      "name": "DEFAULT",
                      "protocols": {
                          "protocol": [
                                  "identifier": "ISIS",
                                  "name": "DEFAULT",
                                  "isis": {
                                      "global": {
                                          "graceful-restart": {
                                              "config": {
                                                  "enabled": true,
                                                  "helper-only": false,
                                                  "restart-time": 30

RT-2.17.1 CONTROLLER-CARD switchover [TODO: ]

  • Generate traffic form ATE port-1 to "target IPv4" and "target IPv6" networks (ATE port-2)
  • Verify traffic is recived on ATE port-2
  • Using gNOI SwitchControlProcessor call initiate CONROLER-CARD switchover.
  • Verify traffic is recived on ATE port-2 during restart time ( no losses )
  • Wait 60 sec.

RT-2.17.2 DUT ISIS restart [TODO: ]

  • Generate traffic form ATE port-1 to "target IPv4" and "target IPv6" networks (ATE port-2)
  • Verify traffic is recived on ATE port-2
  • Using gNOI KillProcess w/ SIGNAL_KILL call restart process serving ISIS (implementation dependednt). This try to simulate ISIS crash due to unexpected error.
  • Verify traffic is recived on ATE port-2 during restart time ( no losses )
  • Wait 60 sec.

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths intended to be covered by this test. OC paths used for test setup are not listed here.

  ## Config Paths ##

Required DUT platform

  • FFF
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️