gnmi_subscriptionlist_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

GNMI-2: gnmi_subscriptionlist_test


This is to test for gNMI Subscription to multiple paths with different SubscriptionMode in a single SubscriptionRequest message using the Subscriptionlist field. Goal here is to,

  • Ensure that the NOS supports "Subscriptionlist" field with multiple Subscription messages and also supports the desired Subscriptionmode per path in each Subscription message.
  • The tests also check if the DUT is responding back everytime with a SubscriptionResponse message that has the sync_response field set to true


GNMI-2.1: Verify single subscription request with a Subscriptionlist and different SubscriptionModes:

  • Send a single SubscribeRequest message to the DUT with a SubcriptionList and SubscriptionMode matching the "Telemetry Parameter Coverage" section below. Use Stream mode for the SubcribeRequest.
  • Ensure that the implementation successfully allows subscription to all the paths mentioned below and a SubscribeResponse message is received by the client with the sync_reponse field set to true. The RPC via which the SubscribeRequest was recieved should eventually be closed by the client.

GNMI-2.2: Change SubscriptionModes in the subscription list and verify receipt of sync_response:

  • In the "Telemetry Parameter coverage" section below, change the Subscribe message for each of the paths with SubscriptionMode as ON_CHANGE to TARGET_DEFINED and the ones that are TARGET_DEFINED to SAMPLE w/ a sampe_interval of 10secs and send all the subscribe messages in a single SubscribeRequest message to the DUT. Confirm that a SubscribeResponse message is received by the client with the sync_reponse field set to true. The client should then close the RPC session
  • Again, switch the SubscriptionMode in each Subscription message to its original state i.e. from TARGET_DEFINED to ON_CHANGE and from SAMPLE to TARGET_DEFINED and resend the SubscriptionRequest with Mode as STREAM. Confirm that the DUT is responding back to the client with a SubscriptionResponse and the Sync_Response field set to true

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths intended to be covered by this test. OC paths used for test setup are not listed here.

TODO(OCPATH): Add component names to component paths.

  ## Config Paths ##

  ## State Paths: SubscriptionMode: TARGET_DEFINED ##
    platform_type: [ "INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT" ]
    platform_type: [ "INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT" ]
    platform_type: [ "INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT" ]

  ## State Paths: SubscriptionMode: ON_CHANGE ##
    platform_type: [ "INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT" ]
    platform_type: [ "INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT" ]
  # TODO(OCPATH): Add component names to component paths.

      Mode: [ "TARGET_DEFINED", "ON_CHANGE" ]
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️