gnmi_sample_mode_test - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

gNMI-1.27: gNMI Sample Mode Test


Test to validate basic gNMI streaming telemetry works with SAMPLE mode.


Test 1: Verify that correct SAMPLE Mode telemetry is streamed when Interface Description is updated

  • Create a new gNMI Subscription to Interface description state leaf in SAMPLE mode. with a 10 second interval

  • Configure Port-1 with description DUT Port 1.

  • Verify correct description is streamed.

  • Update Port-1 description to DUT Port 1 - Updated.

  • Verify correct description is streamed.

Test 2: Verify that no invalid telemetry is streamed during state update

  • Create a new gNMI Subscription to Interface description state leaf in SAMPLE mode with a 10 second interval.

  • Configure Port-1 with description DUT Port 1.

  • Flap port 1 interface and wait for it to be UP.

  • Collect all the samples streamed and validate no invalid values were streamed during the flap.

Test 3: Verify SAMPLE Mode telemetry is eventually consistent

  • Create a new gNMI Subscription to Default Network Instance state container in SAMPLE mode with a 10 second interval.

  • Configure ISIS on Port 1 in Default Network Instance.

  • Verify that ISIS telemetry is streamed within the next 5 samples.

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the OC paths intended to be covered by this test. OC paths used for test setup are not listed here.

## Config Paths ##

## State Paths ##

      SAMPLE: true
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️