container_lifecycle - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki

CNTR-1: Basic container lifecycle via gnoi.Containerz.


Verify the correct behaviour of gNOI.Containerz when operating containers.


This step only applies if the reference implementation of containerz is being tested.

Start by pulling the reference implementation:

$ git clone [email protected]:openconfig/containerz.git

Then cd into the containerz directory and build containerz:

$ cd containerz
$ go build .

Finally start containerz:

$ ./containerz start

You should see the following output:

$ ./containerz start
I0620 12:02:57.408496 3615908 janitor.go:33] janitor-starting
I0620 12:02:57.408547 3615908 janitor.go:36] janitor-started
I0620 12:02:57.408583 3615908 server.go:167] server-start
I0620 12:02:57.408595 3615908 server.go:170] Starting up on Containerz server, listening on: [::]:19999
I0620 12:02:57.408608 3615908 server.go:171] server-ready

Build Test Container

The test container is available in the feature profile repository under internal/cntrsrv.

Start by entering in that directory and running the following commands:

$ cd internal/cntrsrv
$ go mod vendor
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build .
$ docker build -f build/Dockerfile.local -t cntrsrv:latest .

At this point you will have a container image build for the test container.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY  TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
cntrsrv     latest         8d786a6eebc8   3 minutes ago   21.4MB

Now export the container to a tarball.

$ docker save -o /tmp/cntrsrv.tar cntrsrv:latest
$ docker rmi cntrsrv:latest

This is the tarball that will be used during tests.

CNTR-1.1: Deploy and Start a Container

Using the gnoi.Containerz API (reference implementation to be available openconfig/containerz, deploy a container to the DUT. Using gnoi.Containerz start the container.

The container should expose a simple health API. The test succeeds if is possible to connect to the container via the gRPC API to determine its health.

CNTR-1.2: Retrieve a running container's logs.

Using the container started as part of CNTR-1.1, retrieve the logs from the container and ensure non-zero contents are returned when using gnoi.Containerz.Log.

CNTR-1.3: List the running containers on a DUT

Using the container started as part of CNTR-1.1, validate that the container is included in the listed set of containers when calling gnoi.Containerz.List.

CNTR-1.4: Stop a container running on a DUT.

Using the container started as part of CNTR-1.2, validate that the container can be stopped, and is subsequently no longer listed in the gnoi.Containerz.List API.

OpenConfig Path and RPC Coverage

The below yaml defines the RPCs intended to be covered by this test.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️