bgp_always_compare_med - openconfig/featureprofiles GitHub Wiki
BGP always compare MED
- Establish BGP sessions as follows between OTG and DUT.
- OTG emulates three eBGP neighbors peering the DUT.
- DUT Port1 (AS 65501) ---iBGP 1--- OTG Port1 (AS 65501)
- DUT Port2 (AS 65501) ---eBGP 1--- OTG Port2 (AS 65502)
- DUT Port3 (AS 65501) ---eBGP 2--- OTG Port3 (AS 65503)
- OTG emulates three eBGP neighbors peering the DUT.
- Associate eBGP neighbors #1 and #2 with MED values of 100 and 50 on the advertised routes.
- Enable “always-compare-med” knob on the DUT.
- Validate traffic flowing to the prefixes received from eBGP neighbor #2 from DUT (OTG Port3).
- Disable MED settings on DUT and OTG ports.
- Validate the change of traffic flow because of the change (OTG Port2).
- Validate session state and capabilities received on DUT using telemetry.
## Config Parameter Coverage
## Telemetry Parameter Coverage