Hardware support - opencardev/crankshaft GitHub Wiki

The following is an old, very limited summary. For more information, or to add your own hardware, please visit this issue.

Phone Android RPi CS Touchscreen Notes
Google Pixel 1 Oreo 8.1 3B 2018-04-18 Official Works OOB


MIC Name HW Highlight Status Instructions
Adafruit I2S mic Cheap, only uses GPIO, provides OK Google Supported soon Coming


DAC Name HW Highlight Status Instructions
HiFiBerry High quality sound, but no mic Works instructions
IQAudio Most of their products use the same PCM512x chipset as HiFiberry Works instructions
AudioInjector Cheap, available on Amazon, has mic input Supported soon Coming
Google Voice Bonnet Cheap, available at Target, onboard mic (not sure if extensible) Supported soon Coming