General Changes Changelog - opencardev/crankshaft GitHub Wiki

Latest Public: Alpha-7.2


Alpha 7.2 |

Extended support for TSL 2561 to include 2591 WIFI AA Fixes

Hardware configurations

Some screens require manual configuration please check Wiki for specifics TSL 2561 support is the default using address 0x29 as shown below. To switch to TSL2591 change the setting LIGHTSENSOR_TYPE='TSL2691'

# LightSensor
LIGHTSENSOR_TYPE='TSL2561' # Allowed Values TSL2561 TSL2591
# the address of TSL2561/TSL2591 can be
# 0x29, 0x39 or 0x49


  • Wifi AA not working #389 #443
  • Debug mode not working #444


  • TSL 2561/2591 Support #436


Applied fixes for:

  • None

Alpha 7 |

Rebuilt OpenAuto, AASDK and QT5 from Prebuilts.


  • Crash on Waveshare screen, and other screens #371 #385
  • MD5/SHA/SHA256 generation
  • version display in cs base tab
  • Crash on X11 #366
  • X11 display issue #308


  • Rotary Controls #122


Applied fixes for:

  • PlayStore

Alpha 6 | unreleased

Rebuilt OpenAuto, AASDK and QT5 from Prebuilts.


  • Rotary Controls #122


Applied fixes for:

  • PlayStore

Alpha 5.3 |

What's new:

  • Minor typo fixes in build scripts due to Buster upgrade

Alpha5.2 |

What's new:

  • Rebuilt using Buster
  • Initial Rpi4 support

Alpha5.1 |

What's new:

  • Fix for touch not working inside Android Auto
  • Verified operation with Android Auto UI update

Known Issues:

  • X11 mode crashes. Workaround: sudo apt install libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-shape0 libxcb-xinerama0

Alpha5 |

What's new:


  • switch to exfat-nofuse with dkms build system
  • Add password backup / recovery while updating to new version
  • update to newest raspbian
  • Some merges from pigen
  • Set boot partition fixed to 64MB
  • mp3 player select album via cover (auto creating cover cache in CSSTORAGE) (covers can be placed as folder.png or folder.jpg inside the mp3 album folder)
  • RTC fixes
  • GUI adjustments
  • Auto resize backgrounds to match screen resolution
  • Ensure cleaning up old backups on all drives before creating a new one
  • Updte to Qt5.12.3


  • rework usb handling
  • add systemcheck (currently rebuild dkms / check systemd udev mount flag / will be extended... )
  • standalone setup of timezone
  • add background resize option

Alpha4 |

What's new:

  • Fix for disconnect from android auto after some seconds
  • Fix wifi connect from windows clients
  • Crash on start of openauto while connecting phone seems to be gone.

Alpha3 |

What's new:

  • Samba server to allow network shares for some CS related parts (start manually with button inside settings menu)
  • EXP, AWB, FPS and auto recording for dashcam via GUI settings Additional res / switch to python3
  • Exclude system image update if CSSTORAGE is not available
  • Optional USB webcam as rearcam with cam_overlay by meekys
  • MicroSD overclock facility removed
  • Fixed background for rearcam while inside media player
  • Current title in player set to bigger size if enough space available

Build highlights:

  • Samba server to allow network shares for some CS related parts
  • Optional USB webcam as rearcam with cam_overlay by meekys

Alpha2 |

  • New: Allow permanent disabling of safety warning
  • Optimized Android Auto device handling
  • Skip unpacking update zip files if not a newer version
  • Hint if screen is locked (no timeout) on main screen
  • Switched to direct param readings without autoapp_helper
  • Auto refresh system and network information in Settings app

Media Player

  • New: Support for internet radio!
  • New: Player control buttons
  • Hide network information while player is visible


  • Extend config options for RPi cam
  • Black background in rearcam mode


  • Fixed WiFi issues
  • Some Bluetooth refactoring

Alpha1 |

  • A lot of fixes and optimisations across the whole system
  • Allow updating from USB sticks labelled CSSTORAGE, no need for a separate stick for updating and media
  • New: Online Update feature!
  • New: initial support for 'reverse WiFi' (CS as client connecting to your phone's hotspot) for phones that cannot enable WiFi and Mobile Data concurrently
  • reworked WiFi config to allow two networks.
  • WiFi passwords in /boot/crankshaft/ are again stored in plaintext instead of the obfuscated XXXXXXXX of recent releases.

Note: please re enter your passwords and add WIFI_UPDATE_CONFIG=1 on a new line to prompt Crankshaft into recognising the change

  • Check for configured i2c device (rtc, lightsensor) during boot
  • New: Screensaver mode. A background image with an double extra large clock, instead of simply powering off the display and leaving a black / blank screen, is now available
  • If brightness control is disabled, the audio button will also be removed because it's not needed for switching between sliders
  • Optional network info on home screen
  • Apply alpha control to old style menu, too


Pre16 |

  • Day/Night by RTC can now be disabled (only show time)
  • Optimized, extended logging
  • Fixed a bug where the splash screen was exiting early
  • Optimised Bluetooth scripts
  • Move eq background to external (allow custom background)
  • Updated QT to version 5.11.3
  • Reverted PulseAudio echo stuff causing partially broken audio
  • Optimized some OpenAuto code
  • Ability to choose between Animated, Classic or Custom splash screens
  • Keep system in rw mode during some reconfiguration / restoration processes
  • Safety warning dialog now disappears after 5 seconds
  • Fix out of calibration (please report back if still a prob)
  • Overheating shutdown limit of 75°C applied via the watchdog service
  • Fixed an app failure (crash) issue with Android Auto over WiFi
  • Permanently disabled WiFi power management (wlan0 interface)
  • WiFi country setup now available in Settings
  • Improved the media player's current track label
  • Option to enable a cursor is now available (on the Settings, General tab)
  • Optional hide brightness control from main window
  • Info box for CSSTORAGE added (on the CS Base tab)
  • Add option to show/hide player while auto play is triggered

Pre15 | 2018-12-07-crankshaft-ng-E9028A9

  • Alias 'csmt' for command 'crankshaft'
  • Shorter fs commands for crankshaft like 'crankshaft filesystem system unlock' -> 'csmt system unlock'
  • Updated udev rules (more device manufacturers)
  • Reset also shutdown timer with tap2wake (changes in settings now working without restart)
  • Rebrand from OpenAuto to Crankshaft-NG for android auto (CSNG is detected as new car one time after updating)
  • Hotspot has now fixed password (changeable only in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf) This should prevent from most bugs
  • Safety warning added on startup
  • Removed obsolete alpha control code from mainwindow
  • Add brightness slider for day/night value setup to settings
  • More decent system notify messages on top left
  • Reorganize gui

Build Highlights:

  • Day/night via GPIO
  • Go back from android auto (exit to Crankshaft-NG) and reconnect without detach device (USB and WiFi)
  • Day/night switching while Android Auto is running (big thx to manvirrr)
  • Full config for tsl2561 via settings

Note: Android Auto wifi is still buggy and won't work as expected.

Pre14 |

  • Full rework of usb handling
    • Devices are now fully handled by udev which allows hotplug
    • USB mount dialog removed from openauto
    • Media files are now auto scanned and added
    • Flash files can now be located on any USB partition or filesystem, excluding CSSTORAGE
    • Improved boot speed
    • USB detect skip fully removed
  • Reworked network settings GUI
  • Code improvements
  • Cleartext password for WiFi will be removed from /boot/crankshaft/ after hashed /boot/crankshaft/wpa_supplicant.conf is created is created in
  • Equilizer background for media player
  • Bugfix: no start of Android Auto after settings change
  • Auto brightness control via TSL2561 Ambient Light Sensor sensor (i2c-device); values can be adjusted in /boot/crankshaft/
  • Fading brightness change for RPi display (not for custom brightness command)
  • Include /etc/modules/ to backup / restore
  • Auto playback on startup of last played media file, if available, enabled and the last startup folder has been removed
  • Instant use of changed GUI settings like clock visible etc.
  • More dynamic main GUI (tiles) / reduced custom buttons to 6

Pre13 |

  • Ignore MacOS-specific files during USB updates #247
  • Added option to skip USB device detection during boot to provide a small boot time speed improvement
  • GUI cosmetics / remove version id on main screen
  • Some internal reworks inside openauto
  • Networking is now available in all modes (Dev, Debug, normal)
  • Some service reorganisation and consolidation
  • New boot animation
  • Added an SD card reader overclock option in the Settings app (use at your own risk as low-quality and older cards will fail! Only overclock if your SD card is rated Class 10 or UHS)
  • Switched to Qt version 5.11.2
  • Tweaked fstab to ignore atime and diratime
  • Added preload package
  • Screen now remains awake while offline media is playing

Pre13-1 |

  • Bugfix release
  • Failed start of openauto fixed.

Pre12 |

  • Keep screen on while aa wifi is connected (please report back fails)
  • Clear gui to prevent from unwanted touch input while screen is going off until tap2wake #239
  • Include a black screen option for custom commands: if the file /tmp/blackscreen is present gui switches to clear black background without any controls - removing the file brings all back to normal state Caused by the now existing way for clear black screen the kodimonitor is removed. All kodi related stuff is now gone excluding home dir redirect to CSSTORAGE which will stay available
  • Audiotest via csmt and gui - Record 5 secs via mic and playback

Pre11 |

  • add back a Pulseaudio module which caused trouble on some soundcards #220
  • Fixed Pulseaudio multiple cards warning during boot
  • Added scanning of media files for ID3 metadata
  • Resize media player controls
  • Rework USB handling:
    • USB sticks can now be mounted via a dialog inside the media player
    • media is linked to a central folder which is accessed by the media player - this allows using media from different sources like CSSTORAGE and a usb stick same time caused by this way the settings dialog to select source was removed. Only default startup album folder can be still selected and must be located on CSSTORAGE to be available on system startup
    • USB sticks must be mounted manually
    • You're media content must be located in a folder named Music which must be located in the root of the USB stick (CSSTORAGE) filesystem
  • Current supported media types:
    • MP3
    • MP4
    • MP4A
    • AAC
    • OGG
    • FLAC
    • WMA
  • Current supported filesystems for mountable USB sticks:
    • FAT
    • VFAT
    • exFAT
    • NTFS
    • HFS plus
    • EXT2
    • EXT3
    • EXT4
  • CPU governor setting changed back to performance, for better latency
  • Allow higher ignition delay time

Pre10 |

  • final fix RTC / fake-hwclock fully removed
  • cleanups and remove duplicated calls inside scripts
  • More failsafe hotspot PSK handling
  • internet (eth0) in debug mode is now available
  • replaced an obsolete cmdline.txt param
  • some dnsmasq optimizations (Google Pixel users: please report if AA over WiFi is still working fine - thx!)
  • added gstreamer1.0 packages
  • added jpeg package

Build Highlights:

  • Offline mp3 player

MP3 Features:

  • Default mp3 location is CSSTORAGE/Music/ (Path can be changed in Settings)
  • Subfolders are scanned and placed as albums in dropdown list
  • MP3's in default folder are used in Album 1
  • You can define a preselected album (folder) for system start
  • During playback you can jump to next/prev track and also to next/prev album
  • The player has it's own volume level (bottom volume slider is replaced while player is shown) For example: Master volume of system is 90% - Player volume is set to 100% - Output volume is still 90% cause Player's max volume depends on Master volume.
  • Currently MP3 folders are scanned on startup of OpenAuto An extended use for hotplugging USB sticks will be included in next build(s)

Pre9 |

  • restyled settings menu
  • no ignition shutdown while phone connected via cable or bluetooth (#219)
  • Fix ignition shutdown - predefined state was not set correctly (#225)
  • reduce logspam
  • more stable restore service (not breaking on command errors)
  • USB unmount service to prevent filesystem errors while shutting down or rebooting
  • Reworked restart behaviour for openauto - restart on fail in EGL and X11 mode
  • Limit restart count for some services to prevent from restart loops
  • full rework to run pulseaudio as system wide service for better control
  • auto soundcard setup for Pulseaudio during startup soundcard (if only one available) will be set as default device params like sample rate and sample format are detected from hardware and set for Pulseaudio to perfect match
  • no longer need for select and save default devices inside settings if only one card available
  • CPU govenor changed to conservative which is a good match on the load situation
  • RTC fixes
  • Added option to set current time via GUI
  • Hotspot now generally available to allow Android Auto over WiFi mode (your device has to support parallel connection to WiFi and mobile data)
  • Manual start/stop of hotspot possible inside settings menu
  • Connected devices list (IPs) can be updated in connect dialog
  • Lot's of smaller fixes i forgot :-)

Pre8-1 |

Bugfix release:

  • Bluetooth pairing fixed
  • slow GUI fixed
  • audio problems fixed by removing problematic Pulseaudio params

Pre8 |

  • Updated Pulseaudio params to hopefully enhance sound quality
  • Add /boot/crankshaft/custom/ to backup restore during flash
  • Complete rework of GUI:
    • full auto scaling to physical screen size (currently mainwindow - settings needs a rework, too)
    • New default GUI as tile layout transparency can be controlled via slider Default transparency can be set in settings
    • Optionally reworked old GUI style
    • Up to 8 custom buttons in tile GUI (label, command and color can be defined) The button config files can be created via csmt
    • New wallpaper naming:
      • wallpaper.png and wallpaper-night.png are used for tile GUI
      • wallpaper-classic.png and wallpaper-classic-night.png are used for old style GUI
      • Note: debug wallpapers are now obsolete and replaced by GUI labels
  • Slider for volume and a mute button added on mainscreen
  • Timers are stopped while Bluetooth device is connected / restart on disconnected
  • Faster day/night switching via GUI
  • Brightness values are no longer saved on every switch via GUI - only on exit/reboot
  • CSMT can now control day/night state (crankshaft state day|night)
  • OpenAuto will now restart after a crash

Pre7 |

  • A lot of bugfixes and optimizations
  • Added python serial library request #205
  • EGL now respects overscan settings
  • Bootup can (not must) be a bit faster now by reworks of usbdetect service

Pre6 |

  • Fix start mode. Start mode is now again day without rtc
  • Initial support for Bluetooth - auto pairing, auto reconnect after boot, A2DP streaming through RPi (auto pair on first 120 secs / after this time you have to push the bluetooth symbol on mainscreen to make it pairable again Currently hfp not working - it's work in progress so please be patient... BT adapter must be selected in settings -> CS HW to activate Bluetooth related parts in system
  • Generally builtin BT adapter is now disabled on new installations via dtoverlay
  • Add /boot/crankshaft/custom_brightness_command to backup/restore path list
  • Small fixes

Pre5-1 |

  • Removed handling of WiFi credentials. This caused some breaks - sorry. Only the SSID which is configured is shown now. Setup must be done like before in /boot/crankshaft/
  • Setup for RPi-Cam module was added

Pre5 |

  • Brightness slider not accessible fixed
  • Reorganize settings menu
  • Lock settings menu during system config is in progress
  • WiFi client and hotspot setup added to settings - Bluetooth tab renamed to Wireless to combine Bluetooth and WiFi (to enter passwords use physical keyboard - no on-screen-keyboard available)
  • Failsave for 0% volume on startup
  • Pulseaudio limit to prevent > 100% volume
  • Cleanup Pulseaudio config
  • Hardware setup is now optional and not auto executed on save - Select checkbox if hardware setup should be run on save
  • Fixes for custom brightness command
  • OpenAuto is now using brightness values from /boot/crankshaft/ for slider min/max/step - current value is visible on slider
  • Fixes for AudioInjector setup and GUI match
  • Timezone is now setable without RTC
  • Fixed startup state day/night if RTC is used
  • For Kodi users: GUI will now show a black image while Kodi is running to prevent unwanted OpenAuto GUI sections displaying behind videos or dimmed Kodi GUI

Pre4 |

  • Hardware setup via GUI / Setup for audio DAC's and RTC's can be done via GUI
  • IQaudIO DAC's added / some general setup optimizations for DAC's
  • Rework audio hardware handling / Now all is handled by pulseaudio - you MUST select input/output device in settings Default input and output for pulseaudio is released via client.conf
  • Custom brightness command added / brightness value can be redirected to custom command (if enabled it is shown in settings)
  • Disabled watchdog in dev mode to prevent reboots on long apt installs
  • Screen and shutdown timer can now be permanent disabled via GUI
  • Make debug mode available via GUI - System can boot into debug mode. In this state system runs in normal state (read only, timers active etc.) but allows network connection and you get a button on mainscreen to create a debug log which collects a lot of system information and configuration details. A zip called is placed in /boot after creation. Passwords from WiFi will be cleaned. If you have problems which can't be identified create an Issue with the zip attached
  • More aggressive handling and failsaves for CSSTORAGE to prevent from unavailable state after corruption (auto fsck etc.)
  • Added shutdown by ignition - GPIO must be low for Delay time to trigger shutdown
  • Ignition shutdown and timer shutdown will now save last settings/status

Pre3 |

  • Fixes / cleanups
  • Extended settings with full config for GPIOs | day/night time | EGL/X11 | flipped/unflipped | timer adjustment
  • Single GPIOs can now be disabled by setting to 0
  • Auto update with new params if added
  • Failsafe rtc
  • GUI rework
  • Performance tuning OS

Pre2 |

  • Rework external storage "RECORD" to "CSSTORAGE" to also address #133 Now permanent storage is available for system
  • Serial usage for Backup/Restore on system flash
  • Add max_usb_current=1 as a default setting in config.txt
  • Fixed a bug in Tap2wake service (possible adressing display not responding issues)
  • Added autoapp_helper to set/get system values via GUI
  • Custom MOTD message
  • Inclusion of a GPIO trigger service to show/hide rearcam via an external signal
  • Inclusion of a timer startup service to get timer started on boot
  • New settings tab "crankshaft ng" with system information and controls (will be extended from time to time)
  • Inclusion of highly experimental volume controls for master playback and capture
  • Inclusion of additional redirects to tmpfs
  • Fixed audio volume restore by changed handling

Pre1 | (1st published pre release)

  • Added day/night switching to OpenAuto GUI. It also triggers Android Auto to day/night on connect.
  • Dashcam/Rearcam with RPi cam module
  • WiFi client / Hotspot in dev mode

Crankshaft NG versus Classic

Crankshaft NG is no longer based on Raspbian Lite so there's no need to clean unwanted packages anymore.

Crankshaft NG is built with the pi-gen system using debootstrap.

Crankshaft NG uses a different config file format that is incompatible with Classic.

What's generally new?

  • A new management tool for central, user-friendly settings management

  • Crankshaft can now be updated via a USB stick, no need to remove the SD card anymore

  • External storage is now usable for the Kodi home folder and dashcam recordings in read write mode

  • The screen will now wake up if you touch it after it has gone blank

  • Only two timers for auto off screen and auto shutdown

  • Debug mode starting with Pre4