Texture Maps - openantz/antz GitHub Wiki

Texture map table 'np_texture' keeps track of the files and attributes. It is linked (foreign keys) from both the models and node tables.

3D Models Texture File Search Order:

  • First it tries the path specified in the 3D models file.
  • Then it checks if the texture is in the same folder as the models file.
  • Lastly, it searches the default 'usr/global/images' texture folder.

Texture Table:

  • np_texture_id table keeps track of the texture files.
  • parent_id specifies the multi-texturing hierarchy.
  • meta_id external metadata, such as cropping, timecode, color, etc.
  • cat asset category is 0 for images, 1 for video, 2 for GLSL....
  • name of the file.
  • path location of the texture.

Only one texture map per 3D models file (at this time).

np_meta_id table for both native and external metadata.

  • type default = 0 for an image file, 1 for video, 2 for GLSL shader.
  • crop_min and crop_max XY will trim the texture edges.
  • translate XYZ positions the texture.
  • rotate XYZ orients the texture.
  • scale XYZ sets the size.
  • tiling default = 1 repeats XY, 2 for X only, 3 for Y only and 0 for none.