FileViz - openantz/antz GitHub Wiki
Basic Usage
- Run app and press '5' key to choose the base folder to generate file visualization.
- 'ALT+5' uses the default base folder '../usr/fileviz/' to generate the viz.
- Arrow keys (and mouse) navigate the tree.
- Press 'U' to open the currently selected file (using the default OS handler).
- Press 'Enter' for the GUI Console and type 'help' to see selection commands.
- You can modify default tree values in the 'npglobals' table.
Play with (define) branch angles, distribution, scaling & topo combos to build glyph trees based on: level, size, leaf count, branch count, etc. Use file properties to set leaf attributes (color, size, textures, word clouds...) example:
- set color=red where level 2:4 and child_count 20:42
- XTree Gold type functionality: (live) sync, compare, select, copy, move, del, etc.
- Support (large) network storage systems.