Data Viz - openantz/antz GitHub Wiki

Advanced data viz can provide useful insight within an aesthetically beautiful environment. However, there is no 'EASY' button. Nearly every data source is distinct, and it (always) takes a human to wrangle the data into a form that can be intuitively understood. We help you with the process by providing complete workflow solutions, including custom templates and specialized training.

Our team has visualized data for a range of disciplines including:

  • Sports (NFL, RedBull, Baseball)
  • Medical (Infoscope)
  • Education (GlyphEd, STEM, SDSC)
  • Government (Intelligence with Humanitarian focus)
  • Humanitarian (Disaster Response & Resilience)

We are often motivated to provide a free sample VIZ of your data! Especially where there is clear business value and for open data projects. You may also want to take a look at: