Checkstyle with IntelliJ IDEA - open-osrs/runelite GitHub Wiki


When submitting pull requests, you may notice build errors in the Travis CI. Checkstyle errors may be the culprit because they are suppressed by default.


Checkstyle Build Configuration

To start, create a new build configuration to be used for checkstyle. Follow the instructions in the Configuration section in the Building with IntelliJ-IDEA wiki article.

After the last step in the 'Configuration' section, click on the 'Runner' tab. alt

Uncheck the 'use project settings' checkbox (red rectangle), and then press the plus button (blue square) to add a build property.

Add checkstyle.skip with the value false as the build property.

You can now run this configuration like the other build configuration. This configuration will give you checkstyle errors for not obeying the code convention.

Automatic Checkstyle

You can also install the Checkstyle-IDEA plugin to automatically check the code style.

To install the plugin, go to File->Settings->Plugins. Click Browse Repositories, search for Checkstyle-IDEA, and install it.

After installing and restarting IDEA, then go to File->Settings->Other Settings->Checkstyle. Under Configuration File, click +, and select the checkstyle.xml from your RuneLite folder.

Make sure you check the Active box next to your checkstyle to enable it.

checkstyle location