4938_tt_pegatron - ookui/invest GitHub Wiki

Pegatron (和硕) -- 4938 TT


Revenue breakdown in 2014: 47% from communication, 23% from computing, 19% from consumer, 10% from others. (vs. 2015E: 61%, 17%, 13%, 10%.)


  1. 資訊電子產品:筆記型電腦(NB)、桌上型電腦(DT)、智慧本電腦(Smart Book)、行動聯網裝置(MID)、主機板(MB)及繪圖卡(VGA)等。
  2. 消費性電子產品:遊戲機、MP3、電子閱讀器(E- reader)及數位相框(DPF)等。
  3. 通訊電子產品:智慧型手機、交換器(Switch)、機上盒(Set-Top Box) 、電纜調製解調器(Cable Modem)。




生产基地 负责产品 客户
上海昌碩廠, 昆山世碩廠 iPhone 5C、iPhone 4S、iPhone Mini、iPhone 6、iPhone Air Apple
蘇州名碩廠, 蘇州康碩廠 遊戲機、桌上型電腦、非Apple手機、平板、機上盒 Sony, AsusTek
重慶旭碩廠 筆記型電腦 華碩、Toshiba


August 11, 2015

Daiwa targeted NTD 100 based on 12X PER.



2Q15 results beat expectation due to non-operating items (1.54bn NTD NP from non-op). 2Q15 net profit came in at TWD4.66bn (EPS: TWD1.82), much higher than Bloomberg consensus estimates.

3Q guidance: company expects non-PC biz to grow 20-30% qoq and PC biz up single-digit. Overall, no surprise. Daiwa maintains 18% qoq revenues growth forecast.

Apple business: increased iPhone assemble allocation (20% 2014 -> 23-25% 2015). iPhone 6S assemble numbers: most bearish number 65-70mn for 2H15 (Daiwa's estimate is 80-85mn). Daiwa estimated iphone-related revenue would account for 49% of total Pegatron's 2015E revenue.