2024 10 10 to 2024 10 17 - ondrejch/Molten_salt_chemistry GitHub Wiki
Action Items from the Last Meeting
Met with Sophie to put together a Research Plan (Complete)
Meet with Sophie and Jorge to discuss Research tools and Organization (Incomplete)
Was waiting on an availability response that I should receive this morning When is Good Results
Build Clean MIT Salt loop in Thermochimica (Incomplete)
I have gathered most the Composition and Operation Data I will need.
Draft Phase 1 Thermochimica projects for Sophie and Jorge (Complete)
I listed some initial project concepts called Box Projects which will clearly define a set of simulations we are interested in. These will need to be flushed out but the concepts are there.
Highlight Sprint Focus for Literature Analysis (Complete)
Write Annotated Bibliography for LR Chapter 4 Existing Simulation Capabilities (Incomplete)
I instead have been working on the annotated bib. for the MIT Salt loop overview portion of the Lit Review so that I could better understand the purity of salt being used.
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Explanation 1
Item 2
Explanation 2
Item 1
Explanation 1
Item 2
Explanation 2
Other Actions Taken this Week
Met with Copenhagen Atomics and began discussion that will hopefully lead to the sharing of salt chemistry and other loop operation data. Dr. Clarno is going to chat with Thomas Jam Pederson at MSR workshop.
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Item 1
Plans for This week
Create TACC accounts, directory for thermochemistry within MSloop DT, compile TCh there.
Everyone should have access to that directory.
Instruct poster presentations to include a mention of the chemistry work, can be a very nice bullet point.
Meet with Sophie and Jorge to discuss Research tools and Organization
Build Clean MIT Salt loop in Thermochimica
Write Annotated Bibliography for LR Chapter 4 Existing Simulation Capabilities