2024 10 03 to 2024 10 10 - ondrejch/Molten_salt_chemistry GitHub Wiki

Action Items from the Last Meeting


  • Construct Thrust 1 Literature Review Outline

    • I was able to construct a large literature Review Outline That I believe will encompass both thrusts. It can be found here. It is so large that I will need to go through and highlight focus areas each sprint.
  • Have a Clear Research Plan for Jorge and Sophie if she wants one.

  • Thermochemica Clean salt at MIT temp to see off gas (In preparation for hypo-hyper stochiometric clean salt tests) These will give me more understanding of the off gas in the MIT loop

    • I was able to get the MSTDB downloaded and ran some simple UF4 and BeF2 simulations using the GUI. I explored the input files and am working on familiarizing myself with the program.
  • Set up Meeting with Jorge and Sophie

    • This was pushed to next week as I felt we need to have structured research plans for both of them


  • Item 1
    • Explanation 1
  • Item 2
    • Explanation 2


  • Item 1
    • Explanation 1
  • Item 2
    • Explanation 2

Other Actions Taken this Week


  • Spoke with Vik Singh from Curio over the Phone, shared with him some of my previous work

    • They are in need of Chemical Engineering work and may have experimental data that might be useful for simulation work. They need to discuss how they would like to work with us.
  • Met with an old family friend who connected me with Copenhagen Atomics

    • Kirk Dorius, one of the founders of Flibe Energy though he is no longer associated with the company. He offers legal consulting from time to time to Molten Salt companies. He recently worked with Copenhagen Atomics and was very excited about their work. He suggested that they might have large amounts of operational data and that they would likely be interested in working with the digital twin project. After our conversation Jesper Glahn(CA's CCO) reached out to Dr. Clarno and I. We are working on setting up a time to meet.
  • Interviewed with Gavin Ridley from Aalo about a summer internship helping with their hydriding process or for neutronic simulation

    • Dr. Clarno has indicated one of his soft requirements is that his students have at least 1 internship experience. this internship does not fit very well with my thesis work (Curio or Copenhagen would be Ideal), but it does peak my interest as I would like to be involved with the fuel cycle later in my career and it would be convenient as it would keep me here in Austin over the summer.


  • Item 1


  • Item 1

Plans for This week


  • Meet with Sophie to put together a Research Plan
  • Meet with Sophie and Jorge to discuss Research tools and Organization
    • Scrum Project Organization
    • Utilizing Git Hub
    • Research Rabbit
    • Scientific Journal Access
  • Build Clean MIT Salt loop in Thermochimica
  • Draft Phase 1 Thermochimica projects for Sophie and Jorge
  • Highlight Sprint Focus for Literature Analysis
  • Write Annotated Bibliography for LR Chapter 4 Existing Simulation Capabilities


  • Plans Here


  • Plans Here

Questions for Upcoming Meeting

  • Interpreting Thermochimica Results, is there a good guide?

Meeting Notes 10-3-2024

  • Sophie Will know by Tuesday if she can attend the conference, waiting to see the potential impacts.
  • Sophie has been working on FLiBe like material in Thermochimica
  • Step one: do the Redox PLan with Flibe and see the fraction of Gas that comes out. Get a plot of gas fraction vs. Redox Potential
  • Sophie already has the first deliverables of Jorges plan done, have her share notes
  • Gavin Ridley is also student of Dr. Chvala, His thesis is worth a read.
  • Gavin Paper on neutronics and chemistry, WE need to know Valencenes, has good references to oxi state estimates. Will be a good reference to compare thermochimica estimate.
  • I would want to start close to neutrality, then use thermochimica to determine if our guesses are actually prevented.
  • Clarification on Pairs and Quadruplets from the thermochimica output can be found in the theory paper they have published. MQMQA (Under gavens paper in the wiki)

Other New Action Items


  • Action Items Here


  • Action Items Here


  • Action Items Here