Configuration Database Tables - olszowka/Zambia GitHub Wiki

Configuration Database Tables

There are several tables which must be configured before Zambia can be used for a convention. For most of these tables, you should truncate any data in them before beginning configuration.

Tables to build from scratch

The sample data will not be of any use in these tables except as an example of how to populate the fields. You should truncate these tables before beginning configuration.


This table contains all locations you will schedule in Zambia, not just physical rooms. For example, you might schedule a con-run TV channel or live podcasts.

Required fields: roomid (auto generated), roomname, display_order, is_scheduled

is_scheduled set to 1 to have room appear on the Maintain Room Schedule and Grid Scheduler pages.

The rest of the fields are optional and just appear on the top of the Maintain Room Schedule page as reference into and also appear in some reports.