Creating manuskript binary for Android and IOS - olivierkes/manuskript GitHub Wiki
I'm posting a little notes about creating a manuskript binary for Android or IOS. So somebody can try to make an apk when manuskript reach version 1.0
The buildozer project creates binaries for mobile platforms, just like pyInstaller creates Linux and Windows binaries:
Actually, Buildozer works with Linux and MacOsX, but not Windows. It's included in pip so installing it is easy, but you need to add some dependencies (read them in the official docs):
pip install --upgrade buildozer
I tried to generate binaries for manuskript 0.3.0 in Linux Mint DE, but it fails. I don't know if there are a problem with my cython installation (It doesn't install with the docs instructions, so I installed the packaged one and it seems to compile with python2.7 not python3) or there are other issue.
There are 2 logs. The first one with requeriments commented:
#requirements = lxml,pyenchant
The second one with requeriments uncommented:
requirements = lxml,pyenchant