Roslyn Integration - oleg-shilo/ GitHub Wiki

The content of this page is preliminary and is not applicable to any available release.

Adding CS-Script engine and Roslyn integration to the application.

Add package (.NET Core)

dotnet add package CS-Script.Core 

Get package (.NET)

Install-Package CS-Script.lib.Roslyn

Executing the scripts. Selecting the engine is an optional step that is only required for .NET (full) but not for .NET Core:

// Next line isn't needed on .NET Core as Roslyn is the only engine available for it. 
CSScript.EvaluatorConfig.Engine = EvaluatorEngine.Roslyn; 
dynamic script = CSScript.Evaluator
                         .LoadCode(@"using System;
                                     public class Script
                                         public int Sum(int a, int b)
                                             return a+b;

var result = script.Sum(7, 3);

Debugging scripts is now possible for both .NET and .NET Core runtimes. You can use either VS "Step into (F11)" or place a breakpoint into the script.

CSScript.EvaluatorConfig.DebugBuild = true;
var product = CSScript.Evaluator
                      .CreateDelegate<int>(@"int Product(int a, int b)
                                                 return a * b;

int result = product(3, 2);
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️