CS Script on Linux - oleg-shilo/cs-script.net-framework GitHub Wiki
Deploying CS-Script
CS-Script requires Mono v5.0.1 or higher.Note that since Mono is hosted on the custom package repository it's not included into cs-scrip[t package as a dependency and you wil be required to install it manually with 'sudo apt-get install mono-complete'
. See http://www.mono-project.com/download for details.
sudo cscs -update
Package installation (Ubuntu)
- The GitHub repository hosts the universal package compatible with any Ubuntu distro, install it with the following shell command.
repo=http://www.cs-script.net/cs-script/linux/ubuntu/; file=$(echo cs-script_)$(curl -L $repo/version.txt --silent)$(echo _all.deb); rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file
- Alternatively you can download the latest package (cs-script<max-ver>.deb) from cs-script/bin/linux/ubuntu/.
Install the package either by double-clicking the .deb file or with
'sodo dpkg -i cs-script_*.deb'
Apt-get installation
--- under development ---
Manual installation
Ensure you have Mono v5.0.1 or higher.
Copy binaries (cscs.exe, CSSRoslynProvider.dll) into
). The binaries are available from the following GitHub locations: https://github.com/oleg-shilo/cs-script/blob/master/Source/Build/cscs.exe https://github.com/oleg-shilo/cs-script/blob/master/Source/Build/CSSRoslynProvider.dll -
Add execute permission to the script engine executable:
sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/cs-script/bin/cscs.exe
Create symlink to the script engine file:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/cs-script/bin/cscs.exe /usr/bin/cscs
The following is a few useful configuration settings for CS-Script on Linux.
sudo cscs -config:set:DefaultRefAssemblies=add:"System.ValueTuple.dll"
sudo cscs -config:set:SearchDirs=add:%MONO%/4.5/Facades