Unable to run the application in fedora 20 - oklai/koala GitHub Wiki

Solution of application doesn't run in Fedora 20

1.dowuload tar(.gz) package,like koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz

2.cd to files path,run: tar -xf koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz,and then get a folder "koala"

3.move koala to normal install folder:#mv koala /opt/koala.

4.run koala:#cd /opt/koala , ./koala

5.but now,koala may unable to run ,solution:

in 32 bit system:$ cd /usr/lib, (64bit system:$ cd /usr/lib64), search for libudev.so.* (libudev.so.* is the lib's name,remember it), run :#ln -s libudev.so. libudev.so.0 (remember to change the file name we told before) ,

6.and now koala may able to run.