Fedora 20 下面安装后无法启动解决方法 - oklai/koala GitHub Wiki

Fedora 20 下安装后无法启动解决方法

1.下载tar(.gz)格式安装包,如 koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz

2.转移到当前目录,解压tar包,如同指令 tar -xf koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz,解压之后得到koala文件夹

3.转移文件夹到常用目录:如 #mv koala /opt/koala.

4.运行koala:如 $cd /opt/koala , ./koala


32位系统:$ cd /usr/lib (64位系统:$ cd /usr/lib64), 找到当前目录下面 libudev.so.* 的文件(libudev.so.为这个lib的名字,需要针对下面的进行转换。) 执行指令进行软连接,如:#ln -s libudev.so. libudev.so.0 (记得转换当前文件名。)


Google Translate to English:

Fedora 20 can not start the solution after installation

  1. Download tar (.gz) format installation package, such as koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz

  2. Move to the current directory, extract the tar package, as the command tar -xf koala_2.0.1_amd64.tar.gz, extract the > koala folder

  3. Transfer folder to common directory: eg # mv koala /opt/koala.

  4. Run koala: $ cd /opt/koala ; ./koala

  5. At this point, the point koala can not start, the solution

32-bit system: $ cd /usr/lib (64-bit system: $ cd /usr/lib64), find the current directory below libudev.so.* File (libudev.so. For this lib name, need to proceed for the following Conversion.) Execute the command for a soft connection, eg: # ln -s libudev.so. Libudev.so.0 (remember to convert the current file name.)

  1. Retry the fourth step, this can be a normal start koala.