Where To Send Feedback - oils-for-unix/oils GitHub Wiki

We're looking for feedback on Oils! This includes:

  • The compatible OSH language.
    • Does it run your shell and bash scripts?
    • How can we make debugging eaiser?
    • Are the error messages helpful?
  • The new YSH language.
    • Do you like the syntax?
    • Does it work the way you expect?
    • What documentation do you need that is missing?
  • The interactive shell (lower priority, but still welcome)

and more. You can:

  • Open an issue on Github. You can also search for existing, related issues.
  • Start a new topic on #oil-help or #oil-discuss on oilshell.zulipchat.com (requires login with Github or Google).
    • The "new topic" button is usually at the bottom of the page. For a quick overview of Zulip, see this picture and this blog post.
  • Or chat with me directly. However basically anything is on topic for #oil-discuss. Don't be shy about asking! Many things are not documented, and your questions will help me fill that gap.

Please Send Security Issues to andy at oilshell dot org

That is, if disclosing the bug would lead to real systems being hacked, use e-mail rather than Github or Zulip.

Feedback That's Useful

OSH or YSH has a bug -- here is the repro.

Thank you!


Why does OSH/YSH behave like this?

This is valid and useful feedback -- questions are always welcome.

You may be pointed to a FAQ, but that's ok!

Please post as much real code as you can, along with:

  • the output you expect
  • what actually happened.

I want to do this in YSH, but I don't know how.

Even if you don't know exactly what you want to do, asking on #oil-help is valid! The language is still evolving, so we like to hear what problems people have using it.

Again, posting real code helps.

I can't find docs on X.

The docs are still in progress, so this is unfortunately somewhat expected. Posting on #oil-help should give you a quick answer - either a link to existing docs, or an explanation that can be copied into docs.

I used YSH successfully.

This is great feedback, and worth posting even if you don't need a response! I enjoy reading success stories.

Less Useful Feedback

I want YSH to behave like this.

It's often better to start by clearly stating the problem, and only then then the solution you have in mind. There are always multiple solutions to any given problem.

Every person has a different background, so what's "intuitive" to one person may not be inuitive to another.

See Language Design Principles for some core axioms -- e.g. YSH is for Python and JavaScript users that avoid shell.

More Ways To Get Feedback Prioritized