Survey of Hosting Platforms aka Distributed OS - oils-for-unix/oils GitHub Wiki

Let's consider hosting platforms as distributed OSes, that mediate 3 things:

  1. Apps - code and data
  2. Hardware
  3. Users

What belongs on this page?

  • "PaaS" and "serverless"

  • We're leaving out IaaS, because it's too low level

    • AWS EC2 - Elastic Compute
    • GCE - Google Compute Engine
    • Azure

Open Source

  • Dokku
    • Built on: Heroku Build Packs, Docker
  • Kubernetes
    • Built on: Docker
  • Cloud Foundry
    • what happened to this? Sponsored by VMWare
  • - haven't heard of it

Older / Obsolete?

  • CoreOS - this was only part of a solution

Closed Source

  • Google App Engine
  • Heroku
    • Heroku Build Packs are Open Source


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