Oils Packaging Guidelines - oils-for-unix/oils GitHub Wiki

  • Latest release: https://www.oilshell.org/release/latest/
  • Please call the package oils-for-unix
  • Invoking ./install _bin/cxx-opt-sh/oils-for-unix at the root of source tree will install the executable oils-for-unix.
  • It will also install symlinks osh and ysh to that executable, in the style of busybox.
    • osh is very compatible with POSIX sh and bash, while ysh flips some switches to make it a coherent new language.
  • Description: Oils is a Unix shell with JSON-compatible structured data. It's our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime.
  • Longer Description:
    • bin/osh runs POSIX shell scripts and many bash scripts. bin/ysh is an improved shell language.
