6. Commands - obzidi4n/delphivote GitHub Wiki
: Show voting sites to players
/vote help
: Display available commands
/vote stats [player]
: View voting statistics for self or specified player
/vote info
: Display plugin information
/vote reload
: Reload plugin configuration (admin only)
/vote addplayer <player>
: Manually add a player to the database (admin only)
/vote give vote <player>
: Manually give a vote to a player (admin only)
/vote give reward <reward> <player>
: Manually give a specific reward to a player (admin only)
/vote rewards
: List all configured rewards (admin only)
/vote triggers
: List all configured triggers (admin only)
/vote players
: List all players in the database (admin only)
/vote expire
: Manually run the reward expiration process (admin only)
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