Sphinx documentation - obspy/obspy GitHub Wiki

The API reference documentation of ObsPy is generated with Sphinx. In order to build it on your local machine, run

cd /path/to/obspy/misc/docs
make pep8
make coverage
make html

The docs are continuously build within the following environment: https://github.com/obspy/obspy/blob/master/.github/docs_conda_env.yml

It is possible to download this file and create a conda environment for building the docs locally:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obspy/obspy/master/.github/docs_conda_env.yml
conda env create -n obspydoc --file docs_conda_env.yml
conda activate obspydoc

Alternatively, a fully self-contained script to install a local Python environment suitable for building the docs from scratch is available here: https://github.com/obspy/sandbox/blob/master/buildbots/install_python.sh

More useful links on Sphinx: