build instructions for linux - obsproject/obs-studio GitHub Wiki

Note: as of May 1, 2019, Facebook live now mandates the use of RTMPS. That functionality requires your distro's mbed TLS package, which obs-studio/cmake/Modules/FindMbedTLS.cmake script searches for at compile time.

Note: Do not use the GitHub source .tar as it does not include all the required source files. Always use the appropriate Git tag with the associated submodules.

Note: OBS will not run by default from within the build directory, throwing an error similar to "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Use the portable mode options for running the binaries without doing a system install.

Debian-based build directions

The build procedure described here allows full customization of the desired build configuration but also require manual setup and preparation.
Available CMake configuration variables can be found in the CMake build system documentation.


  • Debian Bullseye / Bookworm
  • CMake 3.16 or newer (3.25+ on Bookworm)
  • Git
  • Ninja
  • Optional: Ccache to improve compilation speeds on consecutive builds
  • For browser source and browser panel support, the pre-built CEF framework is needed:
    • Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) x86_64
  • Several additional dependencies (see step 2 below)

Build procedure

1. Get the source code

  1. Open a Terminal window, create and switch to a directory you want to have OBS checked out
  2. Clone the repository including submodules: git clone --recursive

(If you do not know what submodules are, or you are not using Git from the command line, PLEASE make sure to fetch the submodules too.)

2. Get the dependencies

  • To download and set up the preconditions mentioned above install the following packages using apt:

    • Build system dependencies
    sudo apt install cmake ninja-build pkg-config clang clang-format build-essential curl ccache git zsh
    • OBS dependencies (core):
    sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswresample-dev libswscale-dev libx264-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libmbedtls-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libjansson-dev libluajit-5.1-dev python3-dev libx11-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcomposite-dev libxinerama-dev libxcb1-dev libx11-xcb-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev swig libcmocka-dev libxss-dev libglvnd-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libwayland-dev librist-dev libsrt-openssl-dev libpci-dev libpipewire-0.3-dev libqrcodegencpp-dev uthash-dev
    • OBS Qt6 dependencies (UI):
    sudo apt install \
           qt6-base-dev \
           qt6-base-private-dev \
           libqt6svg6-dev \
           qt6-wayland \
    • Plugin dependencies:
    sudo apt install \
           libasound2-dev \
           libfdk-aac-dev \
           libfontconfig-dev \
           libfreetype6-dev \
           libjack-jackd2-dev \
           libpulse-dev libsndio-dev \
           libspeexdsp-dev \
           libudev-dev \
           libv4l-dev \
           libva-dev \
           libvlc-dev \
           libvpl-dev \
           libdrm-dev \
           nlohmann-json3-dev \
           libwebsocketpp-dev \

3. Set up the build project

  1. Run CMake to generate a build environment
cmake -S . -B YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY -G Ninja \
	-DCEF_ROOT_DIR="../obs-build-dependencies/cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64" \
        -DENABLE_WEBRTC=0 \

Optional Settings:

  1. To enable PipeWire support change -DENABLE_PIPEWIRE to ON
  2. To disable browser source support (e.g. for 32-bit builds) set -DENABLE_BROWSER to OFF
  3. To change the build type, pass either Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, or MinSizeRel as -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE

NOTE: When building OBS with LINUX_PORTABLE disabled, OBS expects GNU-based install paths (e.g. /usr/local/[bin,lib,share]) and is built for a single architecture only. To create separate builds for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures, always enable portable builds.

NOTE: On Ubuntu 22.04, librist-dev is not provided. Add -DENABLE_NEW_MPEGTS_OUTPUT=OFF to disable the feature that relies on it.

4. Build the project

  1. Run cmake --build YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY to build the entire OBS project
  2. Run cmake --build YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY -t libobs to build only libobs or any other valid target
  3. Run cmake --build YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY -t clean to clean your current build directory

5. Create a Debian package

  1. Run cmake --build YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY --target package. CMake will handle all operations necessary to create a .deb package archive, including necessary dependencies.

6. Install the project

6.1. Holding back the PPA obs-studio Package

The current Debian Bullseye and Bookworm PPA versions of obs-studio are built against Qt5 along with them being legacy builds of OBS it can break the functionality of plugins built for OBS 28+ as plugins for 28+ are built against Qt6, this Qt version mismatch has been shown to lead to OBS failing to start when plugins built for 28+ are installed in a system that has the Qt5 legacy OBS installed due to the way that Qt handles Qt version mismatch errors.

To avoid apt installing the PPA version over the local build version a package hold needs to be placed onto the obs-studio PPA package to block apt from installing the PPA version over the locally built version when running system updates, the effect of the package hold will preserve the locally built version of OBS through system updates.

To hold back the PPA package follow these instructions:

  1. Run sudo apt-mark hold obs-studio to mark the PPA version of obs-studio as a held-back package.

If you need to undo the PPA package hold in the future run sudo apt-mark unhold obs-studio, afterwards when you run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade in the normal way apt will install the PPA version of obs-studio and remove the locally built version in the process.

6.2. Installing with the APT package manager

Using apt to manage your locally built package means that installation and updating of the local package is all handled by apt which is the recommended method of package handling on Debian, this leaves your system clean after a package install or removal and makes package upgrades as simple as generating a new build and installing it with the method described in this section.

  1. From your obs-studio folder navigate into your build directory.
  2. Inside the build directory run sudo apt install ./obs-studio-29.1.1-*-Linux.deb
    Replacing 29.1.1 in the command above with the version of obs-studio that you have packaged.
    apt will then install the locally built obs-studio .deb package into /usr/local/.

7. Custom install location
Installation will use the directory specified via -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or can be customised with the --prefix switch:

  1. Run cmake --install YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY to install OBS to the prefix the project was configured with
  2. Run cmake --install YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY --prefix <YOUR_INSTALL_LOCATION> to install OBS to a custom location

Red Hat-based

  • Get RPM Fusion at

  • Get the required packages:

    sudo yum install \
           alsa-lib-devel \
           asio-devel \
           cmake \
           ffmpeg-free-devel \
           fontconfig-devel \
           freetype-devel \
           gcc \
           gcc-c++ \
           gcc-objc \
           git \
           glib2-devel \
           json-devel \
           libavcodec-free-devel \
           libavdevice-free-devel \
           libcurl-devel \
           libdrm-devel \
           libglvnd-devel \
           libjansson-devel \
           libuuid-devel \
           libva-devel \
           libv4l-devel \
           libX11-devel \
           libXcomposite-devel \
           libXinerama-devel \
           luajit-devel \
           make \
           mbedtls-devel \
           pciutils-devel \
           pipewire-devel \
           pulseaudio-libs-devel \
           python3-devel \
           qt6-qtbase-devel \
           qt6-qtbase-private-devel \
           qt6-qtsvg-devel \
           qt6-qtwayland-devel \
           qt6-qtx11extras-devel \
           speexdsp-devel \
           swig \
           systemd-devel \
           vlc-devel \
           wayland-devel \
           websocketpp-devel \
  • Building and installing OBS:

    • If building with browser source:

      tar -xf ./cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64_v3.tar.xz
      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j4
      sudo make install
      echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee /etc/ -a
      sudo ldconfig
    • If building without browser source:

      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j4
      sudo make install
      echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee /etc/ -a
      sudo ldconfig
  • By default OBS installs libraries in /usr/local/lib.


  • Add the RPM Fusion repo. This is required for x264-devel.
sudo dnf install \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
  • Get the required packages:

    sudo dnf install \
           alsa-lib-devel \
           asio-devel \
           cmake \
           ffmpeg-free-devel \
           fontconfig-devel \
           freetype-devel \
           gcc \
           gcc-c++ \
           gcc-objc \
           git \
           glib2-devel \
           jansson-devel \
           json-devel \
           libavcodec-free-devel \
           libavdevice-free-devel \
           librist-devel \
           libcurl-devel \
           libdatachannel-devel \
           libdrm-devel \
           libglvnd-devel \
           libqrcodegencpp-devel \
           libuuid-devel \
           libva-devel \
           libv4l-devel \
           libX11-devel \
           libXcomposite-devel \
           libXdamage \
           libXinerama-devel \
           libxkbcommon-devel \
           luajit-devel \
           make \
           mbedtls-devel \
           oneVPL-devel \
           pciutils-devel \
           pipewire-devel \
           pulseaudio-libs-devel \
           python3-devel \
           qt6-qtbase-devel \
           qt6-qtbase-private-devel \
           qt6-qtsvg-devel \
           qt6-qtwayland-devel \
           speexdsp-devel \
           srt-devel \
           swig \
           systemd-devel \
           vlc-devel \
           wayland-devel \
           websocketpp-devel \
  • Building and installing OBS:

    • If building with browser source:

      tar -xf ./cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64_v3.tar.xz
      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j$(nproc)
      sudo make install
      echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee /etc/ -a
      sudo ldconfig
    • If building without browser source:

      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j$(nproc)
      sudo make install
      echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee /etc/ -a
      sudo ldconfig


  • See openSUSE install instructions for details on adding Packman repository.

  • Get the required packages:

    sudo zypper in cmake \
                 fontconfig-devel \
                 freetype2-devel \
                 gcc \
                 gcc-c++ \
                 libcurl-devel \
                 ffmpeg2-devel \
                 libjansson-devel \
                 libpulse-devel \
                 libspeexdsp-devel \
                 libqt5-qtbase-devel \
                 libqt5-qtx11extras-devel \
                 libudev-devel \
                 libv4l-devel \
                 libXcomposite-devel \
                 libXinerama-devel \
                 libXrandr-devel \
                 luajit-devel \
                 mbedtls \
                 swig \
                 python3-devel \
  • Building and installing OBS:

    • If building with browser source:

      tar -xf ./cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64_v3.tar.xz
      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DENABLE_BROWSER=ON -DCEF_ROOT_DIR="../../cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64" -DENABLE_AJA=OFF ..
      make -j4
      sudo make install
    • If building without browser source:

      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j4
      sudo make install

Linux portable mode (all distros)

  • Please note that you need to install the build dependencies for your distribution before following these steps. See above.

  • You can build in portable mode on Linux, which installs all the files to an isolated directory.

    • If building with browser source:

      tar -xf ./cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64_v3.tar.xz
      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DLINUX_PORTABLE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${HOME}/obs-studio-portable" -DENABLE_BROWSER=ON -DCEF_ROOT_DIR="../../cef_binary_5060_linux_x86_64" -DENABLE_AJA=OFF ..
      make -j4 && make install
    • If building without browser source:

      git clone --recursive
      cd obs-studio
      mkdir build && cd build
      make -j4 && make install
  • After that, you should have a portable install in ~/obs-studio-portable. Change to bin/64bit or bin/32bit and then simply run: ./obs

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