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Queries and Indexes

The Google App Engine datastore is fundamentally a key/value store. However, by defining indexes on arbitrary fields, you can query for entities in a way almost reminiscent of an RDBMS. There are some limitations:

  • Queries only return values in an index. If an entity field is not indexed, queries on that field will return no results.
  • Queries without an ancestor() restriction cannot be used within a transaction.

This document is not intended to be a comprehensive explanation of queries and indexes; only what you need to know to use Objectify. You should read and understand the Google Documentation For Queries.

Defining Indexes

Objectify does not index properties by default. You must explicitly define single-property indexes with the @Index annotation:

import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Entity;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Id;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Index;

public class Car {
    @Id Long id;
    @Index String vin;

The index will be created when the entity is saved. Changing the @Index annotation in your Java class does not affect data already stored in the datastore; you must re-save individual entities to add or remove the index.

You can change the default index state for fields of a class by putting @Index on the class:

public class Car {
    @Id Long id;
    String vin;
    String license;
    @Unindex int color;

Partial Indexes

Indexes are expensive to create and maintain. Writing a new single-property index consumes two datastore write operations (one for the ascending index, one for the descending index). Changing an index value requires four write operations: two to delete the old value, and two to write the new one. With several indexed properties per entity, this adds up fast.

Often you only need to query on a particular subset of values for a field. If these represent a small percentage of your entities, why index all the rest? Some examples:

  • You might have a boolean "admin" field and only ever need to query for a list of the (very few) admins.
  • You might have a "status" field and never need to query for inactive values.
  • Your queries might not include null values.

Objectify gives developers the ability to define arbitrary conditions for any field. You can create your own If classes or use one of the provided ones:

import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Entity;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Id;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Index;
import com.googlecode.objectify.condition.IfTrue;
import com.googlecode.objectify.condition.IfNotNull;
import com.googlecode.objectify.condition.IfNotZero;

public class Person {
    @Id Long id;
    String name;

    // The admin field is only indexed when it is true
    @Index(IfTrue.class) boolean admin;

    // You can provide multiple conditions, any of which will satisfy
    @Index({IfNotNull.class, IfNotZero.class}) Long serialNumber;

These If conditions work with both @Index and @Unindex on fields. You cannot specify If conditions on class-level annotations.

Check the javadocs for available classes. Here are some basics to start: IfNull.class, IfFalse.class, IfTrue.class, IfZero.class, IfEmpty.class, IfDefault.class


IfDefault is special. It tests true when the field value is whatever the default value is when you construct an object of your class. Here is an example of using the inverse, @IfNotDefault:

public class Account {
    @Id Long id;

    // Only indexed when status is something other than INACTIVE
    @Index(IfNotDefault.class) StatusType status = StatusType.INACTIVE;

Note that you can initialize field values inline (as above) or in your no-arg constructor; either will work.

Custom Conditions

You can easily create your own custom conditions by extending ValueIf or PojoIf. ValueIf is a simple test of a field value. For example:

public static class IfGREEN extends ValueIf<Color> {
    public boolean matches(Color value) {
        return color == Color.GREEN;

public class Car {
    @Id Long id;
    @Index(IfGREEN.class) Color color;

You can use PojoIf to examine other fields to determine whether or not to index! This example is inspired by the example in the Partial Index Wikipedia page, and will use a static inner class for convenience:

// We are modeling:  create index partial_salary on employee(age) where salary > 2100;
public class Employee {
    static class SalaryCheck extends PojoIf<Employee> {
        public boolean matches(Employee pojo) {
            return pojo.salary > 2100;

    @Id Long id;
    @Index(SalaryCheck.class) int age;
    int salary;

Examine the source code of the If classes to see how to construct your own. Most are one or two lines of code.

If conditions can be used with @IgnoreSave as well.

Executing Queries

Queries are a type of load() operation:

import static com.googlecode.objectify.ObjectifyService.ofy;

// Operators are >, >=, <, <=, in, !in, !=, <>, =, ==
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("year >", 1999).list();
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("year >=", 1999).list();
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("year !=", 1999).list();
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("year in", yearList).list();
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("year !in", yearList).list();

// No operator means ==
Car car = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("vin", "123456789").first().now();

// The Query itself is Iterable
Query<Car> q = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("vin >", "123456789");
for (Car car: q) {

// Queries within transactions require ancestor()
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).ancestor(parent).list();

// You can filter keys as well, but if we don't specify a type, we get List<Object>
List<Object> range = ofy().load().filterKey(">=", startKey).filterKey("<", endKey).list();

// You can query for just keys, which will return Key objects much more efficiently than fetching whole objects
Iterable<Key<Car>> allKeys = ofy().load().type(Car.class).keys();

// Useful for deleting items

Query objects are immutable. You can build them up by reassigning the variable:

Query<Car> q = ofy().load().type(Car.class);
q = q.filter("vin >", "123456789");
q = q.filter("color", RED);

Query result objects (Iterable<?>, List<?>, Ref<?>) are inherently asynchronous. The Query itself does not start execution:

// Query implements Iterable, but this does not start an actual query
Iterable<Car> query = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("vin >", "123456789");

// This starts executing an asynchronous query
Iterable<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter("vin >", "123456789").iterable();

Composite Filters

You can AND and OR queries together.

import static com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Filter.greaterThan;
import static com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Filter.lessThan;
import static com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Filter.or;

Filter yearRange = or(lessThan("year", 1999), greaterThan("year", 2005));
List<Car> cars = ofy().load().type(Car.class).filter(yearRange).list();


Queries are polymorphic. However, you must index @Subclass as described in Entity Polymorphism:

public class Animal {
    @Id Long id;
    String name;
public class Mammal extends Animal {
    boolean longHair;
public class Cat extends Mammal {
    boolean hypoallergenic;

Animal annie = new Animal();
annie.name = "Annie";

Mammal mam = new Mammal();
mam.name = "Mam";
m.longHair = true;

Cat nyan = new Cat();
nyan.name = "Nyan";
nyan.longHair = true;
nyan.hypoallergenic = true;

// This query will produce three objects, the Animal, Mammal, and Cat
Query<Animal> all = ofy().load().type(Animal.class);

// This query will produce the Mammal and Cat
Query<Mammal> mammals = ofy().load().type(Mammal.class);


Cursors let you take a "checkpoint" in a query result set, store the checkpoint elsewhere, and then resume from where you left off later. This is often used in combination with the Task Queue API to iterate through large datasets that cannot be processed in the 60s limit of a single request.

Cursor Example

The Iterables provided by Objectify (including the Query object) are actually QueryResultIterable. This will produce a QueryResultIterator, which allows you to obtain a Cursor.

This is an example of a servlet that will iterate through all the Car entities, 1000 at a time:

protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    Query<Car> query = ofy().load().type(Car.class).limit(1000);

    String cursorStr = request.getParameter("cursor");
    if (cursorStr != null)
        query = query.startAt(Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursorStr));

    boolean continu = false;
    QueryResultIterator<Car> iterator = query.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Car car = iterator.next();

        ... // process car

        continu = true;

    if (continu) {
        Cursor cursor = iterator.getCursor();
        Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();
        queue.add(url("/pathToThisServlet").param("cursor", cursor.toWebSafeString()));

Indexing Embedded Classes

As with normal entities, all fields within embedded classes are unindexed by default. You can control this:

  • Putting @Index or @Unindex on a class (entity or embedded) will make all of its fields default to indexed or unindexed, respectively.
  • Putting @Index or @Unindex on a field will make it indexed or unindexed, respectively.
  • @Index or @Unindex status for nested classes and fields are generally inherited from containing fields and classes, except that:
    • @Index or @Unindex on a field overrides the default of the class containing the field.
    • @Index or @Unindex on a field which holds an embedded class will override the default on the class inside the field (be it a single class or a collection).
class LevelTwo {
    @Index String gamma;
    String delta;

class LevelOne {
    String beta;
    @Unindex LevelTwo two;

class EntityWithComplicatedIndexing {
    @Id Long id;
    LevelOne one;
    String alpha;

Querying By Embedded Fields

For any indexed field, you can query like this:

ofy().load().type(EntityWithEmbedded.class).filter("one.two.gamma =", "findthis");

Filtering works for embedded collections just as it does for normal collections:

ofy().load().type(EntityWithEmbeddedCollection.class).filter("ones.two.gamma =", "findthis");

Implementation Notes (v6 and later)

Indexing and querying of embedded classes is natively supported by the datastore and the Cloud SDK, using the syntax above.

Implementation Notes (v5 and before)

Using the old appengine SDK, datastore does not natively index properties of EmbeddedEntity, the native representation for embedded objects. Objectify v5 works around this by creating synthetic, indexed dot-separated fields in the top-level Entity. These fields are only used for queries; they are not used to load your POJO objects.

If you persist one of the above EntityWithComplicatedIndexing objects, you will find:

alpha not indexed
one.beta indexed
one.two.gamma indexed
one.two.delta not indexed

Note that one.two.delta is not indexed; the annotation on LevelOne.two overrides LevelTwo's class default.

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