[Lua] Reflecting Properties to the Editor - o3de/o3de GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is a continuation of Using Transform Bus here.

Current Problems

As a reminder, here is the full Lua implementation of the ConstantRotate script we have so far:

local ConstantRotate = {}

function ConstantRotate:OnActivate()
  self.tickHandler = TickBus.Connect(self)

function ConstantRotate:OnDeactivate()
  self.tickHandler = nil

function ConstantRotate:OnTick(deltaTime, timePoint)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalZ(self.entityId,  deltaTime)

return ConstantRotate

There are two main usability issues here:

  1. Whenever we want to change the rotation speed, we will have to open the Lua script and change the values
  2. Every entity that is using this Lua component will all have the same values

Both of these can be fixed by using the Properties table in Lua

Properties Table Simple Example

The Properties table allows us to use per-component-instance values in our Lua scripts. Here is a simple example which allows us print a string of our choosing without changing the Lua script, but just by staying in the O3DE Editor.

local SimpleReflect = 
  Properties =
    MyString = {default = "Default message!", description = "The message to print on activation."}

function SimpleReflect:OnActivate()

function SimpleReflect:OnDeactivate()

return SimpleReflect

Default settings

default component

default message

Edited settings

We can now simply change the value in the Editor, and the Lua script will update accordingly.

edited component

edited message

Using the Properties Table

All you need to do to start reflecting data to the editor is to include a Properties table when declaring your (pseudo) Lua component like this:

local MyLuaComponent =
  Properties =


Afterwards, you can reflect any of the basic Lua types or reflected classes in O3DE. I will talk more about reflected classes in the advanced topic called C++ Script Bindings. You are also free to nest the data however you like. The reflected data can use the following keywords:

  • default
  • description
  • suffix for numbers
  • prefix for numbers
  • min for numbers
  • max for numbers
  • step for numbers

Lists of data are converted to arrays. It is also possible to omit any keywords and the enclosing braces if they are not required. Here are some examples showing different ways of reflecting data to the editor:

String, Number, Boolean, Array

local SimpleReflect = 
  Properties =
    MyString = "Hello",
    MyNumber = 19.0,
    MyBool = true,
    MyArrayString = {"One", "Two", "Three"},
    MyArrayNumber = {1, 2, 3},
    MyArrayBool = {true, false, true},
    Cannot mix types in arrays!
    MyArrayInvalid = {"One", 2.0, false}


Using Keywords and Grouping Properties

Your exposed properties will be automatically organized by name. If you would like to group your properties then you can do so by nesting them.

local SimpleReflect = 
  Properties =
    Character =
      CharacterSpeed = {default = 5.0, min = 0.0, max = 20.0, description = "The movement speed in meters per second", suffix = " m/s"},
      CharacterPosition = {default = Vector3(0, 0, 0), description = "The starting position of the character"},
    Camera =
      CameraSpeed ={default = 2.0, min = 0.0, max = 5.0, description = "The scale modifier on camera speed"},
      CameraOffset ={default = Vector3(0, -10, 5), description = "The camera offset from the character"},

keywords and grouping properties

Updating ConstantRotate Lua Script

Here is an overview of what we are going to do to update the RotateConstant Lua script: We want to end up with a general purpose ConstantRotate Lua component. This means that we should be able to specify a rotation speed for rotating around the X, Y, or Z axis, or even a combination of them. All we need to do in the properties table is allow the user to specify a rotation speed for each axis:

local ConstantRotate = 
  Properties =
    X = {default = 0, description = "The X axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},
    Y = {default = 0, description = "The Y axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},
    Z = {default = 0, description = "The Z axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},

constant rotate reflected

Next we need our Lua script to use those values when rotating the entity. Some maths is done to convert to rotations in degrees.

function ConstantRotate:OnTick(deltaTime, timePoint)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalX(self.entityId, deltaTime * self.Properties.X * math.pi / 180)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalY(self.entityId, deltaTime * self.Properties.Y * math.pi / 180)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalZ(self.entityId, deltaTime * self.Properties.Z * math.pi / 180)

Complete ConstantRotate Lua Script

local ConstantRotate = 
  Properties =
    X = {default = 0, description = "The X axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},
    Y = {default = 0, description = "The Y axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},
    Z = {default = 0, description = "The Z axis rotation speed in degrees per second", suffix = " deg/s"},

function ConstantRotate:OnActivate()
  self.tickHandler = TickBus.Connect(self)

function ConstantRotate:OnDeactivate()
  self.tickHandler = nil

function ConstantRotate:OnTick(deltaTime, timePoint)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalX(self.entityId,  deltaTime * self.Properties.X * math.pi / 180)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalY(self.entityId,  deltaTime * self.Properties.Y * math.pi / 180)
  TransformBus.Event.RotateAroundLocalZ(self.entityId,  deltaTime * self.Properties.Z * math.pi / 180)

return ConstantRotate