FAQ - nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim GitHub Wiki


Telescope & FZF: Differences and Similarities


How to change Telescope Highlights group?

We have a wide variety of highlight groups so you can customize telescope to your liking.

highlight TelescopeSelection      guifg=#D79921 gui=bold " Selected item
highlight TelescopeSelectionCaret guifg=#CC241D          " Selection caret
highlight TelescopeMultiSelection guifg=#928374          " Multisections
highlight TelescopeNormal         guibg=#00000           " Floating windows created by telescope

" Border highlight groups
highlight TelescopeBorder         guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopePromptBorder   guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopeResultsBorder  guifg=#ffffff
highlight TelescopePreviewBorder  guifg=#ffffff

" Highlight characters your input matches
highlight TelescopeMatching       guifg=blue

" Color the prompt prefix
highlight TelescopePromptPrefix   guifg=red

To checkout the default values of the highlight groups, check out plugin/telescope.vim

How to add autocmds to telescope prompt?

TelescopePrompt is the prompt Filetype. You can customize the Filetype as you would normally.

How to disable folds inside picker?

autocmd! FileType TelescopeResults setlocal nofoldenable

Why aren't git pickers working?

Most of the Telescope git pickers will not work properly if you have color.ui set to always in your git config, as the color codes aren't handled by Telescope. We recommend setting color.ui to auto to avoid these issues.