TranslatingAddons - nvaccess/nvda GitHub Wiki

Note: This page is severely out of date. More up to date information may be found in mrconfig - where add-ons are registered for translation.

Translating NVDA Add-ons

Thank you for your interest in translating various NVDA add-ons in your language.

First steps

Before translating the add-on, please read TranslatingTheInterface (archive) page, as add-on translation is similar to translating the nvda.po file. The key differences include choosing which add-on to translate using add-on settings (next section) and update frequency (about two weeks between updates).

The Add-on Settings

Each language folder in the translations repository contains a file named "settings". This is a text file containing a list of add-ons and the translation settings value for the add-on (1 means yes, 0 means no). For example, a typical entry for an add-on looks like: instantTranslate: "1" This means that a translator decided to translate Instant Translate add-on. Another example is: VocalizerDriver: "0" This means that the translator is not interested in translating Vocalizer speech synthesizer add-on at this time.

So if you are interested in translating a particular add-on to your language, open yourlangcode/Settings and change the value for the add-on to 1. If you do not want to translate the add-on at this time, set add-on value to 0. Then commit your settings.

Add-on file location

If you set add-on translation value to 1, the next time you receive interface file updates, you'll receive the add-on file in the following location: yourlang/Add-ons/addonname/nvda.po Where yourlang is your language and addonname is the name of the add-on.

Translation process

The process of translating the add-on is same as translating the interface (nvda.po). See TranslatingTheInterface (archive) for a detailed description of this process.

Testing your add-on translations

Missing information

If you have additional information, please edit this page.