7. Run tests - nuvoleweb/integration GitHub Wiki

Tests require Composer running on your system. This documentation page will also make use of Drush.

To run tests follow the steps below, ideally from your webroot:

drush dl drupal-7.x
cd drupal-7.x-dev
drush si standard -y --db-url=mysql://root:root@localhost/drupal # Change according to your local setup
drush dl integration -y
drush en integration_test -y # Download all dependencies
drush en integration_test -y # Re-run to actually enable the test module
cd sites/all/modules/integration
composer install
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Open phpunit.xml with your favourite editor and set the following properties to your local setup defaults:

<const  name="DRUPAL_ROOT" value="/path/to/drupal/root"/>
<const  name="BASE_URL" value="http://localhost"/>
<server name="REMOTE_ADDR" value="localhost"/>

Finally run tests by executing:
