4. Producer - nuvoleweb/integration GitHub Wiki

Create a Producer programmatically

To create a Producer programmatically we will make use of the ProducerFactory static class. In order to have a Producer working correctly we need to add at least one Resource Schema object and a Backend object, so we must create those first.

use Drupal\integration_producer\ProducerFactory;
use Drupal\integration\Backend\BackendFactory;
use Drupal\integration\ResourceSchema\ResourceSchemaFactory;

$resource_schema = ResourceSchemaFactory::create('article')
  ->setField('title', 'Title')
  ->setField('image', 'Image')
  ->setField('body', 'Body');

$backend = BackendFactory::create('filesystem', 'filesystem_backend')
  ->setBackendSetting('path', '/path/to/data')
  ->setResourceSchemaSetting('article', 'folder', 'article');

$producer = ProducerFactory::create('article')
  ->setMapping('title', 'title')
  ->setMapping('body', 'body');

Note that, at this point, Backend and Resource Schema configuration is only stored in the class static cache. To persist configuration objects in the database use the following:


At this point we can export a node by just executing:

foreach ([1, 2, 3] as $nid) {
  $node = node_load($nid);
  $document = $producer->push($node);

Since we used a filesystem backend our documents have been exported in the form of JSON files in the /path/to/data folder:

$ tree /path/to/data
└── article
    ├── node-article-1.json
    ├── node-article-2.json
    └── node-article-3.json

Each JSON file contains a valid data exchange format document:

$ cat /path/to/data/article/node-article-1.json
    "_id": "node-article-1",
    "default_language": "und",
    "languages": [
    "fields": {
        "subject": {
            "und": [
                "Lorem ipsum"
        "abstract": {
            "und": [
                "Vivamus laoreet. Nunc sed turpis. Fusce fermentum."
        "abstract_summary": {
            "und": [
    "type": "article",
    "producer": "",
    "producer_content_id": "node-article-97",
    "created": "2016-01-22 15:29:15",
    "updated": "2016-01-22 15:29:15",
    "version": "v1"