3. How to use CI CD to deploy the service - nutthaphon/aws_iaas GitHub Wiki
The methodology of rolling upgrade the application from source to the system automatically. GitOps is a combination of application and infrastructure deployment in same period of time. When developer commit code and pull request to master branch, those changes in master was used to build new application image that will use to rolling update in EKS system later.
Continuous Integration :- Developer have done a code commit and completed merge on master, a trigger will compile/build/packaging application and then build a ready-to-use application as a Docker image. Then send a latest image in image repository. Continuous Deployment:- Furthermore, if system is found infrastructure configuration was changes then it need to update. System will sync new config to current running EKS.
This a big picture explaining about tools use in step. (label no 2 is an alternatively way)
- Developers are push code to master branch (GitHub/CodeCommit)
- AWS CodePipeline was triggered build and keep a result application image on AWS ECR
- Meanwhile, Developers/DevOps are push infra-config to master branch.
- Weave Flux engine are running and detect infra-config changes in Git, then update current EKS config with a new application images from ECR. Finally rolling update occur in current EKS.