6.2.1 TAP Participant 001 - nus-mtp/sashimi-note GitHub Wiki

Subject: Participant 1

Attempt to duplicate parts of CS3230 Assignment into Sashimi Note. This note contains

  • Basic paragragh, list and headings
  • Math symbol
  • Images
  • Code blocks

Software environment

User attempted to use this application on 3 different software environment

  • Windows 10 | 15 inches laptop
  • Ubuntu | 15 inches laptop
  • Android 6 | 5.5 inches smartphone with curved edge

Action Performed

  • Creation of files and folders
  • Renaming file
  • Input content into document (text, images, links, tables, diagrams)
  • Searching for content within the document
  • Switch view mode
  • Using on different OS
  • Using on Mobile device

Difficulties faced by the user

  • User upon opening document feels lost, doesn't know how to use
    • He then refers to the features.md file for reference.
  • User is not familiar with LATEX / ASCII Math.
    • However, he did manage to find the proper documentation.
  • User is not familiar with the diagram drawing syntax, and finds it about inconsistent for different libraries (e.g. js-sequence is different from mermaid etc)
    • However, he is amazed that such features are available.
  • User is confused by the File Format section under the manage tab.
  • User think the user guide is too long.
  • User don't know which code block language syntax highlighting is supported.
  • User thought the print function did not complete and is broken because the document is not layed out properly.
  • User finds it hard to navigate on mobile device (e.g. Opening the document - when he double taps the filename section, it causes him to go into changing “filename mode”)

User unmet expectation

  • User tried to create space within the document by pressing enter key. However, new space didn't get created.
  • User were waiting for the print to be finished after he pressed the print button. Althought the print has been completed successfully. However, due to the print window not being closed after the printing is done, he thought it is due to the browser hung up and continue waiting.
    • The expected hahaviour is to close the print preview page when the print is completed.
  • User thought his informaiton will be lost because he is using a webapp. He was wondering whether he need to save the document or not.
    • He later discover the fact that document is auto-saved and that the app works offline (he got disconnected from WiFi but the app still worked.)
  • User tried opening a link on the editor window side but could not, before realising he has to click on the viewer side.
  • User used indentations, he found that although editor window showed proper indentation, viewer window didn't reflect the indentations.
    • He has to re-indent the portion for it to show on viewer window.
  • User found that on different browser (e.g. Firefox) certain thi ngs don't work like renaming on Firefox
  • User finds that creating multiple new files and folders will make him confused as they are all of the same name (e.g. names are always "newFile" and "newFolder")
    • He has to rename them first before creating more files/folders
  • User finds that double-clicking on the filename while editing filename would not select all of the filename, instead it opens the file. Feels that this is annoying.

Desktop Experience

  • User feels product is useable and alright, however if user's hardware is slow it may cause some issues.
  • User felt that being able to work on his document despite not knowing he has been disconnected from the internet was something positive about the product.
  • User feels that the page breaking on Pages and Slides mode using Header1 is interesting.
  • User feels that being able to print to pdf and preview it is an enjoyable experience
  • User feels that being able to mix LaTeX and ASCIIMath syntax was a useful feature.

Mobile Experience

  • User felt that being able to use the product on his phone is also a useful feature.
  • User press back button in Mobile's viewer screen, hoping to switch back to the Editor mode. However he is being brought to back to the File Manager screen.
    • The expected behaviour is to go back to the Editor screen when user press back button on the viewer side?
    • He made the same mistake 7 times during this experiment.


  • User constantly switching screen when copying content from a PDF Reader to Sashimi Note.
    • Why didn't the user split the two windows into half?
  • User copy and paste snippet of code from example to Content.
  • User constantly switch between tabs to search for features that can be used
  • User needs some time to get used to markdown syntax, as well as other feature's syntax (e.g. diagrams, Latex, asciimath)


  • User think that ASCII math is cool compared to LATEX, being able to mix them is great as well
  • User think that being able to work offline is a useful feature
  • User think that being able to use it on his mobile device is useful as well
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