2. Project Work Log - nus-mtp/sashimi-note GitHub Wiki

Week 13:



  • 394:
    1. Add complete test cases for database
    2. Fix bugs
    3. Add default feature text file at first creation
  • Update usability evaluation



  • Fix UI to properly work with iOS
  • UI Enhancement/Beautification
  • Fix UI-FileManager communications process
  • Router component linking issues
  • Develop demo video (STEPS)


  • Implement ASCIIMath plugin
  • Write test cases for ASCIIMath plugin
  • Code refactoring (change dependencies/libraries to use minified versions)
  • Enhancement mermaid library rendering performance on Webapp
  • Update usability evaluation

🚧 In-progress

Week 12:


  • Fix Pages and Slides styling issues
  • Fix Browser Compatibility issues with Microsoft IE/Edge


  • Continue to write test cases
  • 380: Fix bug of always rename despite error thrown


  • Developing Filemanager v5 (Bugfix and enhancement) #342 #344 #352


  • Filemanager download feature
  • UI Enhancement


🚧 In-progress

Week 11:


  • Enhance performance of fill up here
  • Fix Codemirror compatibility error


  • Continue writing test cases



  • Search
  • Folder path
  • Wrapper class to file and folder
  • Mobile compatibility


  • Fix errors for diagramsRenderer test cases (Errors are due to random attribute values like width)
  • Increase test cases timeout values

🚧 In-progress

Week 10:


  • #292 Set up configuration file for vagrant
  • Update README to include Sashimi Note's logo and description
  • Test and discovery bugs for the V0.1.3 production Webapp
  • Create GitHub Project board for CA3 and STEPS
  • #330 Configure Vagrant to run in background
  • #332 Fix problem with codemirror v3.0.3


  • Update information on STEPS
  • 300


  • Assist in testing and fixing vagrant
  • Developing Filemanager v4 (Bugfix and enhancement)


  • Assist in testing vagrant
  • Create logo for 10th STEPS website
  • Refine UI design of File Manager's Document component


  • a450b22 Fix bugs for diagramsRenderer
  • 94aed15 Finish up test cases for diagramsRenderer

@amos | @jiaying | @daphne | @jiaxuan | @jiehao

  • Conduct heuristic evaluation exercise

🚧 In-progress

Week 9:


  • #239 Fix bugs in Page Renderer
  • #248 Continue writing e2e for Page Renderer components
  • #273 Implement search bar
  • Helps with debugging the webapp and review pull requests


  • #265 Add new functions to storage component to support new features
  • fe3016b Improve logic in checking of table and database directly from indexedDB
  • Refine code aesthetics


  • Discuss with @amos regarding change in architectural design of Filemanager
  • 187c9d5 Restructure Filemanager into 2 major components: operations and data
  • Write test cases for Filemanager's sub components:


  • #282 Develop UI for v0.1.3
  • Implement and refactor FileManager
  • Implement function for create, delete, rename file/folder
  • Implement function for download file
  • Write UI tests for Editor Viewer and File Manager


  • #22 Complete diagramsRenderer for V0.1.4
  • Write test cases for diagramsRenderer

Week 8:


  • #239 Fix bugs in Page Renderer for v0.1.1
  • b344afb Code refactoring for Page Renderer
  • a252095 Fix e2e ui testing file for v0.1.1
  • #248 Write e2e for Page Renderer components


  • Add new functions to storage component to support new features
  • Restructure some functions in storage


  • #246 Implemented partial Filemanager API
    • 109466a & 0699ca3 Implemented File and Folder operations
    • 9cfd2a4 Implemented History component to remember previously accessed Folders
    • ee62934 Imported and used storage API



  • Refine XSS Filtering plugin
  • #22 Start development of diagramsRenderer

Week 7:


  • 7300f4c Design and implement of a new pagination algorithm
  • #209 Add additional interaction for editor and viewer


  • Figured out how to implement Promise
  • Fix table insertion into alasql with data structure sqlArray.js


  • Redesign the architecture of Filemanger


  • 195 Update EditorViewer navbar appearance


  • Unit testing for documentPackager component
  • Refined Conditional Rendering feature for webapp
  • #22 Research on implementing issue

Recess Week:


  • Initial implementation of different fileFormat/pageView for Viewer.vue b485dcb
  • Continue to experiment and implement DocumentFormatter


  • Debugging and exploration of asynchronous function
  • Exploration of Promise
  • Research on table insertion with alasql
  • Add new features to storage


  • e480ed4 Initialize File and Folder operations
    • Draft possible cases for each operations
  • Researching on Object-oriented methodology in Javascript


  • 186 UI Development
    • Restructure of Vue components
    • Continue with the development on file-manager


  • Development of Basic Conditional Rendering feature for webapp
  • Inclusion of more markdown-it plugins for user

Week 6: FileManager & DocumentFormatter


  • #168Configure production script for Heroku build
  • Research on the implementation of DocumentFormatter components
  • #194 & #171 Implementation of DocumentFormatter components
  • Refactor implementation for EditorViewer


  • Continue to develop Storage component
  • Manipulation of strings to structure table creation into software engineering design
  • Researching on how to implement alasql


  • Begin development on FileManager API
  • Initialize:


  • Front end enhancement of EditorViewer view
  • Front end development of FileManager View
  • 186 UI Development
    • Restructure scss assets
    • Fix styling issue with


  • Research on markdown-it package and plugin development
  • Inclusion of additional markdown-it plugins for user

Week 5: EditorViewer


  • Set up development environment with vuejs-templates/webpack
  • Create deployment script for Heroku
  • Set up project for TravisCI


  • Research on database to used for webapp (chosen alasql)
  • Implement alasql + indexedDB for webapp
  • Implement storage component for webapp


  • Research on the implementation of Vuejs
  • Research on the implementation of CodeMirror
  • Front end development of Editor Viewer view 166


  • 190f20f Implement ContentManipulator component.
  • 8a8e5ba Create relevant js files for Input and ContentManipulator components


  • 36b6666 & 16494e0 Implement Processor component.
  • 80c8f11 Implement markdownProcessor.js to use external library called Markdown-It.
  • 1db840c Create test file for markdownProcessor.js
  • 54f270e Implement DocumentFormatter component.

Week 4: Design


  • Design of architecture diagram
  • Documentation for architecture diagram page
  • Overall formatting of wiki doc
  • Set up a preliminary development environment


  • Development of screen flow diagrams
  • Development of UI screens
  • Documentation for UI Design page
  • Creation of digital wireframe for UI screens
  • Overall formatting of ER Diagram wiki documentations


  • Design and develop the entity relationship diagram
  • Documentation of ER Diagram wiki documentation



@amos | @jiaying | @daphne | @jiaxuan | @jiehao

  • Evaluate architecture diagram, screen flow diagrams and ER-diagram internally
  • Update milestones
  • Updating of GitHub requirement issues
  • Overall documentation of the Wiki docs

Week 3: User research & Project Scoping

@amos | @jiaying | @daphne | @jiaxuan | @jiehao

  • Conduct interview session with 1 lecturer from SOC
  • Consolidate requirements from users needs
  • Categorise and priorities requirements
  • Add functional requirements as GitHub Issues
  • Establish milestones
  • Set up development environment and tools

Week 2: User research


  • Conduct a short observation on a potential lecturer giving lecture

@jiaxuan | @daphne

  • Introduce Lecture Note 2.0 with 2 students and collect feedbacks

@amos | @jiaying | @daphne | @jiaxuan | @jiehao

  • Define potential users for Lecture Note 2.0
  • Conceptualise potential users need for users (students)
  • Define functional requirement for users (students)
  • Create interviewing questions for users (lecturers)
  • Conduct interview session with 3 lecturers from SOC and 1 lecturer from Maths Dept.
  • Review interview data to consolidate user needs (lecturers)
  • Define more functional requirements for users (lecturers)

Week 1: Initialisation

@amos | @jiaying | @daphne | @jiaxuan | @jiehao

  • Propose project ideas for MTP.
  • Pitch proposed project ideas within the team
  • Evaluate each of the ideas and decide on a project to do for MTP
  • Describe the selected project (Lecture Note 2.0)
  • Analyse the potential challenges for Lecture Note 2.0