Git Scripts - nu-art/dev-tools GitHub Wiki

To take advantage of dev-tools, add it as a git submodule to your project:

cd ${yourProject}
git clone [email protected]:nu-art/dev-tools.git
git submodule add [email protected]:nu-art/dev-tools.git dev-tools

And now it dev-tools is added to your git repo.

When you want to clean clone your repo, don't forget to add --recursive:

git clone [email protected]:${yourProject}.git --recursive

Now, in your ~/.bash_profile, add the following:

(Don't forget to replace my user name with yours)

export githubUserName=TacB0sS <= Your User Name here!!

# Build and Install (Java and Android)
alias bai='bash --debug'

#Git Scripts
alias gsu='git submodule update'
alias gsui='git submodule update --init'

alias _udt='cd dev-tools && git checkout master && git pull && cd ..'
alias _status='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug'
alias _pull='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug --project'
alias _checkout='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug --project'
alias _push='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug'
alias _merge='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug'
alias _request-pull='bash ./dev-tools/scripts/git/ --debug --github-username=${githubUserName}'