Introduction - ntwong0/verilog-spi GitHub Wiki

verilog-spi is a Verilog implementation of a SPI master module.

Port definitions:

module flex_spi(
    //  SPI-specific ports. This device is SPI master
    output  reg             ss,         // Optional, if not already provided by GPIO.
    output  reg             sck,        // Serial Clock
    output  wire            mosi,       // Master Out Slave In
    input   wire            miso,       // Master In Slave Out
    //  clocking and control from CPU
    input   wire            clk,        // System clock, can be fed by clock divider instead
    // functionality
    input   wire            rst,        // Resets the SPI module
    input   wire            en,         // If true, SPI I/F should proceed to TRANSFER
    input   wire            oe,         // If true, SPI I/F should output from rx_packet to data
    input   wire            we,         // If true, write from data to tx_packet
    input   wire            cpol,       // SPI Clock Polarity
    input   wire            cpha,       // SPI Clock Phase
    input   wire    [ 3:0]  xfer_len,   // Determines bit length of the SPI transaction
    //  status to CPU
    output  wire            busy,       // Indicates a SPI transaction is in progress
    output  wire            done,       // Indicates a SPI transaction has completed
    //  data I/O with CPU
    inout   wire    [15:0]  data        // Data in/out from/to microcontroller