TAR_HEADER_PARSER - ntruessel/etar GitHub Wiki

TAR_HEADER_PARSER is a common ancestor for classes that are able to parse tar headers. etar provides two effective implementations: USTAR_HEADER_PARSER and PAX_HEADER_PARSER for the ustar and pax format respectively. Since PAX_HEADER_PARSER can do everything USTAR_HEADER_PARSER can (plus more), it is discouraged to use USTAR_HEADER_PARSER directly. However, USTAR_HEADER_PARSER can be a valuable building block for more advanced header formats.


Most users won't have to use TAR_HEADER_PARSER directly, but this section shortly explains how it is properly used.

  1. parse new block of header using parse_block
  2. Unless parsing_finished holds, goto 1.

Implementing a custom header parser

To implement a custom header parser, one has to implement the following features:


parse_block (a_block: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos: INTEGER)

This feature takes a block and parses it according to the header format. If after this block, the whole header is parsed, parsing_finished has to be set to true, and last_parsed_header has to contain the result of the parsing step. If an error occurs, parsing_finished has to be set to true as well.


To implement a custom header parser one can use the following utilities:


next_block_string (a_block: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos, a_length: INTEGER): STRING

Returns the next string in a_block, starting at a_pos. A string is an arbitrary sequence of characters different to '%U' (stops at first '%U') with length at most a_length


TAR_HEADER_PARSER does not inherit from TAR_UTILS. If you want to use its utilities, you have to inherit from it.


As TAR_HEADER_PARSER inherits from ERROR_HANDLER one can report errors using report_new_error (compare ERROR).

Possible limitations

Currently there is nothing like a can_parse (a_block: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos: INTEGER): BOOLEAN feature, since for the two provided parsers, there is no need for it. However other header formats could make it necessary to implement such a feature.