Fork - ntjoar/Munchy GitHub Wiki

Fork is an extremely useful tool for GitHub if you are unfamiliar with the command line. As an additional bonus, it's free!

Install Fork:

How to use:

If it is your first time using Fork, you'll come to a page that says Repository Manager.

  1. To open up your project, press CTRL+O (Windows) or COMMAND+O (Mac)
  2. Go to the directory that contains your project and open the folder
  3. At the top, there is a small upside-down arrow next to the branch you are located in.

You should be in master by default

  1. Click on the arrow and choose your double click on your repository
  2. Rename to whatever you wish and click "Track". This is going the equivalent of git checkout <branch_name>
  3. You can now delete origin/master in your "Branches" list on your left

Left-click origin/master and click Delete 'master'. Confirm your choice

  1. Once you are finished with this, you're ready to code.
  2. After any changes, you will see it in the Local changes being tracked.
  3. Select all files you want to stage and click stage. This is the equivalent of git add <file>
  4. Once all files you want to stage are added, type in a commit message and click Commit
  5. At the top bar you will see three buttons connected to one another. In order, from left to right, they are fetch, pull, push.

Use each button as necessary

See also: Branches

See also: Issues and Projects

See also: File Heirarchy

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