Branches - ntjoar/Munchy GitHub Wiki

For the most part, you should not be pushing into anyone else's branch unless you and they have a previously discussed reason.

The two branches that should only be filled with pull requests instead of pushes are the master branch. Pull requests should be made from the master branch.

Pushing to your branch

  1. Check if your branch is behind submaster. If not, skip to step 3.
  2. If you are behind:

a. git checkout master

b. git pull

c. git checkout <my_branch>

d. git merge master

  1. Once all changes are complete, open terminal and navigate to your directory cd <path_to_my_directory>
  2. Run these commands to push to your branch:

a. git checkout <my_branch>

b. git add .

c. git commit -m "<Message_detailing_changes>"

d. git push origin <my_branch>

  1. Check that your branch has received the changes (HINT: If you make each message unique, you can just check if your message appears with your push)

See also: Issues and Projects

See also: File Heirarchy

A helpful tool: Fork

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