ICP 3 - ntihindukkipati/CS5590_Python_DL GitHub Wiki


**1. Create a class Employee and then do the following.** a. Create a data member to count the number of Employees b. Create a constructor to initialize name, family, salary, department c. Create a function to average salary d. Create a Fulltime Employee class and it should inherit the properties of Employee class **e. Create the instances of Fulltime Employee class and Employee class and call their member functions.**

Screenshot (320)

2. Web scraping

**Write a simple program that parse a Wiki page mentioned below and follow the instructions:** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning a. Print out the title of the page **b. Find all the links in the page (‘a’ tag)** c. Iterate over each tag(above) then return the link using attribute "href" using get Screenshot (321)

3. Numpy

**Using NumPy create a random vector of size 15 having only Integers in the range 1-20. ** Then reshape the array to 3 by 5 Then replace the max in each row by 0 **(you can NOT implement it via for loop. You need to use np. where, reshape)** Screenshot (319)



Class Id: 4