Run Visual Studio Solution - ntierontime/Log4Net GitHub Wiki

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Enable NuGet package restore.

The generated solution, e.g. MSBuildExtensionPack, is using Nuget to manage Online References. "Enable NuGet package restore" should be enabled in Visual Studio.

Visual Studio will automatically download missing Nuget packages when this solution is being built first time.

Please following list if Nuget packages not restored:

Build and Deploy database project

Open Log4Net.sln in Visual Studio. Expand "Core" Solution Folder. Find "Log4Net.VS2012DatabaseProject" project.

Right Click or Main Menu -> Build. You will see:

Build the project first. Then Publish. You will see:

You may want to change database server, database, script as circled. Default connection string is:

Connection string for Linq to Sql

    <add name="MSBuildExtensionPack" connectionString="Data Source=Localhost;Initial Catalog=MSBuildExtensionPack;UID=sa;PWD=Qwer~123;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Database initialization data will be inserted into database if SqlCmdVar_LoadSystemInitilizationData is set to "TRUE".

Database test data will be inserted into database if SqlCmdVar_DumpTestData is set to "TRUE".

Change connection string

You may have to connection string if your database server(Localhost) or database name(MSBuildExtensionPack) are not default value.

You can find connection string in Asp.Net Mvc Web.Config and Wcf Web.Config.

Run Applications

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