Torque to Slurm - nthu-ioa/cluster GitHub Wiki

Important differences between Slurm and Torque

  • What Torque calls "queues" (-q), Slurm calls "partitions" (-p); the option -q to srun does something else.

  • sbatch does not source shell config files like ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile, but srun does.

  • By default, the commands in sbatch see an environment inherited from the submitting shell. If you want a clean environment, use the option #SBATCH --export=NONE in your job script. If you just want a clean set of modules, remember to call module purge in your script.

  • With Slurm, the working directory when the job starts is the directory of the job script (not the current working directory when you submit, not your home directory).

  • If Slurm log file (--output) paths are not qualified with a directory name, they will end up in the current working directory.

  • Slurm can understand torque scripts (with #PBS options). It's probably better not to rely on this, especially if your #PBS options are complicated.

Other guides

PDF file with one-to-one translation of commands:

Old instructions for Torque

These are kept for reference...

Submitting jobs

All computation jobs have to be submitted through the qsub command. Direct ssh to compute nodes is prohibited.


  • -q cpu: for using CPU nodes
  • -q mem: for using Memory nodes
  • -q gpu: for using GPU nodes

Submit an interactive Job

qsub -I -X -N job_name -q cpu -l nodes=1:ppn=8,pmem=24gb,walltime=1:00:00

Example Job script

   1 #!/bin/bash -x
   2 #PBS -N s60_2d_v
   3 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12
   4 #PBS -l mem=24gb
   5 #PBS -l walltime=12:00:00
   6 #PBS -k oe
   7 #PBS -j oe
   9 n_proc=$(cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l)
  11 module load pgi/18.10
  12 module load openmpi/3.1.4
  13 module load hdf5-parallel/1.8.21
  15 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR
  17 mpirun -np $n_proc ./flash4