Software: MKL - nthu-ioa/cluster GitHub Wiki

Intel's Math Kernel Library is now free to use and redistribute.

MKL provides BLAS/LAPACK optimized for Intel CPUs, so there is no need for us to install ATLAS. See here for details of what MKL provides.

The modules that implement MKL are implemented with more hardcoding than other modules. Users should not notice this, but module maintainers, anyone copying the module files and power users should be aware. In particular, it modifies CPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which other modulefiles try to avoid) and LIBRARY_PATH.

There are two versions: default and "ilp64". A description of the difference is here.

A description of linking against MTL is here .

When you have loaded the MKL module, you might find it helpful to inspect the contents of $MKLROOT, in particular the examples directory. You can copy the tarfiles from that directory to your own workspace and use them to learn about how to link against MKL. Note that the makefiles in the examples have an option compiler=gnu.